Chapter 3: Threats ✓

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They were talking calmly to each other in quiet voices, but he could still hear them as they had stopped only a couple feet away from his whereabouts. Far away from the clattering noise of the party which could barely be heard, nothing more than a small buzzing hum.

The melodic voice of one of the men rang out far too close for comfort, "As I recall, the Dark Lord dealt with the Nott family quite harshly when they failed to procure the Goblet of Sorrow which the Department of Mysteries had seized. Surely you don't plan on attempting to do something so foolish as well?"

The other man snorted with contempt, "It won't be foolish, because I'll actually manage to do it. The Nott's have aways been worthless at manipulation and cleverness for decades. It was no surprise when they failed, even the Dark Lord didn't believe that they would succeed. The punishment wasn't given because they failed their task, it simply transpired because they had failed so disastrously. They were on of the few families that hadn't been known as Death Eaters to the Ministry, now they're on the most wanted list."

"You do best in biting your tongue, as you'll never known who's listening in. The Nott's won't take it favourably if they ever hear you voice those opinions in their presence," The other spit out harshly under his breath.

"You're far too scared of stepping people on their toes. They might be a powerful family, but their allegiance isn't worth much after their recent blunders to the Dark Lord. Haven't you noticed that they're no longer invited to the meetings?"

"Of course I've noticed. Everyone has," He said a bit defensively. "There's even talk of the Parkinson's second guessing the marriage contract they had planned for their daughter and the youngest Nott."

Harry shuffled slightly behind the drapery. Feeling how his legs had fallen asleep in the uncomfortable way he had seated himself. However, he didn't dare to make any bigger move and stretch out the leg, no matter how much pain he felt. How would he explain spying on these men he didn't know? He would make an awful impression. Therefore he stayed on the cool, hard tiles, leaning back against the wall, hidden in the darkness.

Still. Sit still and quiet, he thought to himself.

There was an eery sound of a man's boots moving and a strong smell of sweat and cologne, giving Harry a scare, thinking he might have been found out, but when the guy spoke he was thankfully farther away than before.

"I doubt the Nott's will allow that to happen. It would be far too much of an embarrassment for the family, because everyone already knows that the teens are meant to marry even though it's never been made official."

"You're probably right. It would mean war between the Nott's and the Parkinson's. I doubt the Dark Lord would look kindly upon their family feud, and that's probably why Parkinson's hands are tied in what they can do," The melodic voice said softly, previous edginess no longer there.

"There's always the young Potter for Parkinson's, if they no longer want her with Nott... You think anyone would be up for a marriage with him?" There seemed to be a smile in the man's voice as he says that. Appearing amused.

The other man laughs loudly, a laugh that sounds just as lovely as his voice. The wizards who said the sentence joins with a throaty laugh of his own.

"Don't be silly. He's a beauty, but he's also nothing more than pest. I doubt anyone will allow their children to get close to him, in fear that they'll be charmed by his appearance and forget what he is."

An indrawn breath, ragged, and then the same throaty laugh, "I wouldn't mind taking him to my bed and have some fun with him, I must admit. It's rare to see someone so enchanting in the middle of war."

Goosebumps rose on Harry's arms. His heart pounding, but not from excitement. Instead he felt something akin to fear and disgust as he didn't like what he was hearing from the strangers.

"So... You would fuck him before you'll have some more fun I suppose? Sounds entertaining." The man's musical voice sounded charming and sweet, but too cold to be deemed kind. The way he spoke was eerie while the content was sinister. Evil.

"You know me too well. First I'll have him screaming in my bed, and then I'll have him screaming from my other wand."

Both laughed harshly, while Harry pressed himself closer to the wall, barely breathing.

"When the charade ends I'll enjoy torturing him," The man continued unashamed of what he was stating. "It will be quite humorous to see the young Potter heir realising what he is and beg for mercy. I look forward to colour the floor red with his blood before he dies, but I do hope I'll get a taste of him before that."

"Do you think Lucius has bedded him?"

The man grunted, "He has been visiting the boy quite often over the years, under the guise of keeping an eye on him, but that excuse seems a bit farfetched now...  He does act a bit suspicious around Potter as well, almost like he's protective of him. Still, who would dare to cheat on Narcissa? Bellatrix will cut off Malfoy's balls if that happens."

It sounded like the men shivered, making sounds of horror.

"Right... The Potter heir is tempting enough to cause a man to make some bad decisions though. It wouldn't surprise me if they've gotten a bit too close on that abandoned island."

"I guess we, along with the others, will see if he had a bite of the forbidden fruit or not. It will be impossible to continue an affair now when they live under the same roof as everyone else." He snickered, "All alone, cuddled up in front of a fire and drunk of Firewhisky..."

The other man laughed brutishly, "When you put it like that... He's been bedded, no doubt."

Footsteps and soft rustling of capes being dragged over the floor was all that Harry could hear after that, along with voices farther away. It took a few seconds for Harry to realise that the men had retreated farther down the hallway, too far for Harry to continue eavesdropping. Not that he minded, he had no interest of hearing any more of their wicked conversation. What he had heard was enough to make him nauseous while tears had begun stinging his eyes.

Instead of slipping out from the drapery he stayed hidden as his birthday party continued in the ballroom. Every now and then there would be someone walking by, and his heart would start hammering nervously, but no one noticed him. It wasn't until he heard Lucius walk by, deep in a conversation, when he finally dared to come out. At that point the party was over and Malfoy, although oblivious to Harry's distress, accompanied him to his new bedroom. Giving him a comforting hug before he whispered a kind, "Goodnight."

But Harry doubted his night would be any good after what he had heard.


Words: 1210

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