Chapter 17: Evil

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Harry had tears in his eyes when he furiously came through the door. A terrible scent invaded his nostrils, and it spoke of the horrors those bleeding on the floor had endured before he arrived. The smell made him itch. It was clawing at him from the inside, telling him to loose his sanity and go berserk. Every breath of blood filled air was contaminating his lungs. The jitters was taking over.

"Stop! What are you doing?" His voice came out much weaker than he had intended to sound. The audience was intimidating and he wasn't sure how he was going to save the wizard and witch on the floor.

The death eaters stared at him with amusement, but some also gave hateful looks.

"What are you doing here Potter?" Tom asked him in a strict voice, not content with his boy's presence when he was supposed to torture people to death.

"Draco and Astoria said that you're torturing these two, is that true?" Harry looked like someone had ruined christmas.

"Leave Potter."

"No." He said defiantly, and that would have been fine if they were in private, but now they were surrounded by death eaters that began to growl. No one disobeyed him, and they would fiercely defend his honor. The situation didn't become any better with the knowledge that some of them couldn't stand Harry. It would be difficult to fix this mess unless he left.

"I gave you an order Potter." He said with utmost authority.

"Well, I asked you a question but you ignored that. I suppose we're even now."

He almost wanted to smirk at his boy's fighting spirit, but he was interrupted by Corban Yaxley. "You're speaking to the Dark Lord, a half blood like you should never dare to use that tone! If I was in charge you would have been taught a lesson by now, weeping and crawling on the floor." The man hissed out every word viciously, revealing all his hate for Potter and many in the room nodded in agreement.

Potter just rolled his eyes, "Bla bla bla Dark Lord bla bla bla half blood bla bla bla... You people need to read a book. Every single one of you keep on repeating the same thing over and over again. It's a bit tedious to listen to the same repetitive bull shit every day."

Lord Voldemort wanted to laugh, because his death eaters were thunderstruck, but he also knew that they were on the verge of exploding. Only his boy could be that fearless.

"Harry..." Lucius spoke in a soft voice and elegantly moved through the crowd to get to the boy, also sensing the danger he was in. "Draco was a bit mistaken... Why don't we go outside and talk?"

Harry smiled at Lucius warmly, "Thanks, but I'm going to stay. I've spent enough time with you to know that you're lying to me right now." He said it as if he was extremely disappointed in Lucius, and the blonde man seemed taken back.

"Are you really torturing them, Tom?"

Corban Yaxley snarled in anger, "It's the Dark Lord for you!"

Potter ignored the man and stared right at him and he couldn't help but sigh. Why was his baby boy such a stubborn man? There was no point in lying, because apparently he already knew the truth.

"Yes, Potter. I'm torturing them."

Harry looked so heartbroken, breaking out in small tremors. Was it because he was horrified or angry?

"Why? You're not a bad person. You shouldn't harm others-"

The death eaters in the room laughed loudly and coldly. How much blood did he have on his hands? He wasn't sure, but it was enough to never be deemed a good person.

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