Chapter 5 - Hateno Village

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Summary: Mipha journeys to Hateno Village and meets Dr. Purah at the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. After her Sheikah Slate is repaired and she travels to a particular location, Mipha recovers her first memory.

Mipha awoke from a night of deep sleep to a sunny morning in Kakariko Village, feeling refreshed and ready to face the next part of her quest. As she prepared to leave, the innkeeper spoke up.

"I hope you slept well," said Ollie. "I have a sealed letter from Lady Impa for you. It was left with me earlier this morning."

"A sealed letter?" said Mipha.

"Yes, we Sheikah use a certain seal when we want to make sure a letter was not tampered with," said Ollie. "You can be sure no one opened the letter since it was sealed."

Mipha thanked him, took the letter, then walked outside and read it.

Dearest Mipha,

I hope this note reaches you before you leave. There were some matters I wished to mention, but in the excitement of seeing you, and the shock of learning you lost your memory, I completely forgot. I fear I may be getting old and starting to lose my own memory!

First of all, you should harvest ancient materials from derelict Guardians you encounter. The Ancient Tech Labs can put these materials to good use in ways that I know will benefit you. You will pass north of Blatchery Plain on your way to Hateno Village, and I recommend you briefly detour there. Blatchery Plain was the scene of a great and heroic battle one hundred years ago, and there are quite a few destroyed Guardians there. But beware! Some seemingly destroyed Guardians may only be in stasis mode, ready to reactivate should anyone approach them. Until you are better equipped to combat such formidable adversaries, it would be best to flee if you encounter one. If you find that flight is impossible, then a well-timed shield parry is your best defense.

Secondly, you must remain ever vigilant, as the Yiga Clan is a great danger. They are masters of disguise and deception, Mipha, so be wary of travelers you encounter. I am sad to say there may be spies in our village, and if so, news of your awakening will travel fast. The Yiga Clan will realize you are the key to defeating their master, the last obstacle to his total triumph. As such, they will spare no effort to hunt you down. Be ever on your guard!

I know a great deal is being asked of you, dear Mipha, much more than was expected of you as Zora Champion. But fate has cast you now in the role of Hyrule's last hope. Save Princess Zelda, save Link, and save Hyrule! I have faith in you!

Paya and I will pray for you, and may the Goddess shine upon your path and keep you safe.


Mipha put away the note, but before retrieving her horse decided to complete the shrine she had detected just north of the village, the Ta'loh Naeg Shrine. As she made her way up the hill, she exchanged greetings with a young woman outside a clothing shop, then continued on her way. Upon reaching the shrine, she entered in the usual manner.

And it was a good thing she visited this shrine! The monk Ta'loh Naeg made use of a Guardian Scout to teach her several invaluable combat skills. Given Impa's comment about the importance of shield parrying a Guardian, she welcomed the practice. And as usual, accessing the shrine would enable her to return to Kakariko Village almost instantly. Upon completing the shrine, she collected another Spirit Orb along with an Eightfold Blade and Sheikah Mind's Eye Shield. It was time to say a prayer to Hylia at the village statue and improve her well being.

But as Mipha left the shrine and prepared to return to the village, a bright blue rabbit-like creature caught her eye, peeping out at her from the nearby grass partway up the hill. It froze in place, then, as she approached, scampered frantically away. Something about this creature intrigued her, and she followed it. Then she saw it again, or perhaps it was a different one. That one also ran away, but following it revealed a giant green flower pod with several softly glowing pink beings flying nearby.

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