Chapter 13 - Vah Medoh

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Summary: With Teba's assistance, Mipha works to appease Divine Beast Vah Medoh.

It was morning in Gerudo Town, and Buliara was waiting for Chief Riju to finish her morning session with Patricia, her Sand Seal. Riju used to spend most of the morning chatting with Patricia, but ever since Naboris started acting up, her time with Patricia was more limited. So, it was still early when Riju returned to the throne.

"Any news on the Thunder Helm, Buliara?" said Riju.

"Some news, My Lady," said Buliara. "We know where the thieves took it. But finding a way to retrieve it has proven elusive. Our guards are still exploring."

"I know you and the guards are doing your best," sighed Riju. "I think this sacred relic was stolen because our enemies do not respect me, do not feel I am worthy of being the Chief. And sometimes I think they are right."

"No, no, you must not think that, My Lady!" said Buliara. "You are a worthy Chief. It is my failure, not yours. I should have been more careful to guard such a precious heirloom of our people."

"I appreciate your kind words, Buliara," said Riju. "But I know it was my recklessness seeking out Naboris on my own that has kept you by my side ever since. Spending all that time with me has taken you away from your other duties. So, it is my fault you were unable to protect the Thunder Helm. But we should stop shouldering each other's blame. What is important now is finding a way to recover it. Without it, I cannot appease Divine Beast Vah Naboris."

"Yes, of course, I understand, My Lady," said Buliara. "I will summon the Captain and get her latest report on the search."

It was morning in Rito Village, and Mipha awoke feeling full of vitality and stamina. For a bed on land, she had to admit that the Rito-down bed was quite restful. But today was her big day. She said a prayer, then took advantage of the Hearty Salmon in a pond near the village entrance. They were delicious and increased her vitality even more. From there, she glided across Lake Totori in the direction of Dronoc's Pass.

It was bitter cold as Mipha landed on the snow-covered ground, and she could see her breath amidst the lightly falling snow. Two Bokoblins on horseback were in her way as were two Icy Lizalfos. Fire Arrows took care of the Lizalfos, and Ice Arrows and some easy combat eliminated the Bokoblins. Using her spear, the Bokoblins never got a blow in.

That brought her to the Sha Warvo Shrine. The puzzle involved a good deal of gliding on updrafts, taking out a Guardian Scout, and claiming a Purple Rupee, then navigating around a structure to reach the final updraft leading to the monk. Having finished the Shrine, Mipha made her way up the snow-covered path to the Flight Range.

The Flight Range was a circular wooden structure situated on top of a tall pillar of rock, and she could make out from a distance the welcoming glow of a warm fire within it. After climbing a short ladder, she saw who must be Teba sitting on the outside platform, adjusting his bow. Teba turned to glance at her, then turned back, testing her bowstring.

"I don't know you. And I'm actually pretty busy here. You should probably go," said Teba.

Mipha walked out onto the platform and interrupted Teba's concentration.

"Did you need something? I'm busy here," said Teba.

"I can help you," said Mipha.

"Help me? With what exactly?"

"Vah Medoh," said Mipha.

"Let me get this straight... Some random Zora wants to help me bring down Divine Beast Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it. What's your name, stranger?"

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