Chapter 48: Moldy Oldie

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(A/N: Well, folks, we did it! We had reached 1k reads on the Wattpad version for this story! For those on, thanks for helping this story reach 4.3k views. As you all know, me and Andrew, my co-author and older brother, are reaching the end of this story, which has taken us 3{4 in November of this year} years to write, and we want to thank all of you for reading this story.

And, once this chapter is done, we'll be uploading our penultimate interlude, which will be one of the important ones to keep in mind, and also one of the two interludes which will affect the next story, the other being the last one. So, there's your warning for the future.

However, there is one bad news to say: we won't be including the character designs for this story. My brother and I are not good artists, and we don't want any of our siblings who are good artists to be involved in this, as we want to keep our work on the stories to both ourselves, and to all of you, dear readers.{That part is obvious, since you've read this story and the previous one for the past three years.}

However, once the Secret Life story{or era, since there's four years of high school, and we have plans of stories for that era} comes out, we'll show the designs{both using the designs used for the characters in the show, along with some alterations for a few characters, and showing off the designs for the OCs/AUs variations of them} of the characters during that era...somehow.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter and the interlude, as they'll be the first chapters of this story for the year. Please vote and comment{on Wattpad} or just comment{on}.)

Sabrina's P.O.V.-December 14th, 2011-Sabrina, Melissa and Emily's Bedroom, Spellman's House-12:00 P.M.

"Well, today's the day, Aaron. Today, Quigley and my hybrid flower will be blooming!" Sabrina said, talking to Aaron via phone call.

"That's good. Though, I have to ask this: why did you decide to join a flower festival again? Heck, why do we have one this late in the year?" Aaron asked.

"Because Quigley is still upset about the last time he missed out on important flowers stuff, and I'd figured I join to try and take my mind off recent stuff. And that seems to be the reason why the festival is this late in the year as well," Sabrina said.

"Wish I can do the same." Aaron said.

The reason why they were talking to each other via phone call, instead of Aaron coming over, was due to the multiple news reporters and interviewers still hounding Aaron for exclusive interviews with him. Hence, he's hiding in a...

"I just realize this. When did you bought a underground bunker?" Sabrina asked.

"...Recently. These people keep sending me checks through the mail, Sabrina. Checks! They're paying me just because I ruined Harvey's life and got 100 people killed for not stopping Harvey sooner, and I hate it!" Aaron exclaimed in a panicked tone. From the sounds in the background, it sounds like he was pacing back and forth.

"Aaron, you and I both know you have no involvement in what happened. Surely, your parents had told you the same. In fact, why aren't you hiding in your house?" Sabrina asked.

There was a moment of silence, which made Sabrina thought that Aaron ended the call. Then, she heard what sounded like a chuckle, which contained suppressed bitterness.

"They haven't said anything other than how proud they are that I'm famous. They wouldn't understand why I'm hiding in this bunker, and knowing them, they don't want to. After all, they didn't want to understand some of the stuff that messes me up and prefer to keep it a secret, just like everything about them." Aaron said, hints of resentment and bitterness in his tone.

Aaron and Madi Across The Multiverse Sidestory #1: Sabrina The Animated SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now