Chapter 2

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Once the plane landed, Lisa immediately went out and made her way to the car.

"To the mansion." she commanded.

Instead of going to the hospital, she went to their mansion. She recieved a message from her mother earlier, informing her that her father was transfered to there mansion for recovery.

She sighed heavily. "Well, guess I don't have any other choice but to obey." she said hopelessly.

Where are you, my love? I might change my mind if I ever see you. Please, come to me." She thought.

It didn't took them long to reach the mansion. She saw her mother waiting for her at the door, smiling.

"Mom." she said walking towards her.

"I miss you so much, my baby." her mom said engulfing her into a tight hug. She rolls her eyes as she hug her back.

"Mom, stop calling me like that. I'm not a baby anymore." she whines. While her mom just chuckle.

"I don't care you are still my baby." she retorted while pulling away from the hug.

"Whatever. Where is dad?" Lisa asked.

"In the garden, he's waiting for you. That stubborn man won't listen to me. He's making me so worried." her mom replied. It's very obvious that she is very much worried.

She sighed. "I'll talk to him right now, mom." she kiss her mother's cheeks the proceed to the garden.

Lisa her father sitting while looking at the flowers. She walks towards him then takes a sit.

"Seeing you here, I assume that you already made up your mind." her father suddenly speaks.

She just remaind silent, waiting for him to continue.

"The Gong Yo Kim, the retired CEO of the KIM Hospitals, made a big part of my life. He was a friend, once saved my life from death. That time, I wanted to die because my parents keep on controlling me. I had enough so I decided to commit suicide. But, Gong Yo went inside the scene. He was there for me when I needed someone the most. Because of him, the thought of suicide disappear like a bubble. I'm really thankful the He spared me." he chuckled then continue.

"And now it's my turn to help him. Their company is facing bankrupcy, Lisa. I don't want his company gone, without me doing anything to help."  he faced her.

"We could just invest in their company. Why do you need to involve marriage?" she said seriously.

"Yes, we could.... But it's not enough. They will eventually go down again and worst is they might not have the chance to stand up again. Mentioning other hospitals, their enemies. Thats why you should tie a knot with there daughter, to make sure they won't face bankrupcy again. I know this is too much to ask, Lisa, but we really must help them. I know it's selfish for me to make you marry someone you don't love. I'm sorry. My decision is final, whether you like it or not, yoh will marry their daughter."
He said looking straight to her eyes.

"And what if I don't marry her?" she challenged him, returning his straight look back at him.

"Then I will disown you, I will take back the company and give it to someone who is more capable than you." Her father answered.

"I don't believe you, dad. You woudn't dare disowning your very handsome daughter. That's just a very unhealthy decision. Plus, where will you even find someone more capable than me?" she replied with confidence.

"Your. Going. To. Marry. Her. Lalisa." he said in a command tone.

Lisa chuckles. "Do I have any other choice." she mockingly said.

"Good." her father truimphantly smiled.

"Dad, what was her name again?" she ask.

"Jennie, Jennie Kim." he answered. " Oh, by the way, I have a picture for her." she look at her father who's getting something from his pocket. "Here." she took the picture from him. And look at him, confuse why the hell does he have a picture of her fiancée.

"I'm going inside now. I want to lay down." her father said then made his way to his room.

Lisa's jaw drop as she see the woman in the photo. Her heart hammered inside her chest. It was her. The one who captured her heart at first sight.

Lisa chuckles and smiled like an idiot.
"We are really meant to be, my love." she smiled from ear to ear while looking at the photo.

A/N Just wanna ask if the happenings are too fast. Please feel free to comment down below. Thank you so much again for your support. Enjoy reading. Don't forget to share this to your friends and also to vote.

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