Chapter 7

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LISA LEFT and the a certain cat was fuming mad. She doesn't know why... But one thing is for sure, that woman is getting on her nerves.

Jennie sigh a heavy breath to let out frustrations. Her phone rang and her friend's name pop up.

"Hey gurl.... " the other line greeted.

"What?" she asked irritatedly.

"Hahaha I see, something must've happened, right? How is she? Is he Handsome or what?" the other line teases. Well Jennie told her that she'll be meeting her 'fiancee' today. And  now she regrets, telling her that was a bad idea.

Jennie rolled her eyes then replied, "Yeah she's pretty, pretty ugly."

"Hahahahha," The other line loudly, making Jennie angrier. "But she is so hot and handsome, what's wrong with your eyes, I didn't know you already have a poor eyesight."

"Shut up, Nayeon." Jennie shouted. "If you won't say anything good, I'll end this call!"

Yep! She's really angry...

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." Nayeon said while composing herself.

"Let's drink tonight, enjoy first before you get married, it's been a long time since we last hung out. So, get ready before eight, and see you at our usual bar." Nayeon suggestively said.

"Why?" raising one eye brow Jennie questioned.

"Duh... Of course to have fun. And...." Nayeon explained.

"And?" Again Jennie ask. She's loosing her patience. Well this past few days her temper became short. That's what she notice. Maybe because she's on her red days. Add the teases of Nayeon, it triggers her patience more.

She's trying so hard to control it but it seems any minute she'll go boom.

"And you'll tell us what happened. What are friends for right." Nayeon laugh loudly in the other line.

"Tsk..Funny.... Wait, what do you mean us?

"I mean you, me and guess what, Chipmunk's back so is Bae. You didn't know, did you?" Nayeon explained excitedly.

"Since when? And why don't I know?" Jennie said dissapointely while pouting.

"Well, I told them that you're getting married plus you're busy with your business and stuff that I don't—" Nayeon who was explaining was cut off by Jennie, her pouty face was no longer visible as it was changed into a pissed face.... Again..

"What?!!! You told them??!!" Jennie's eyes widens. "You know what, I was so stupid not to realize what will happen if I tell you something, that big mouth of yours can't be shut, can it?" Jennie scowled angrily. Now she went boom.

It's not what you think, it's not like she won't tell it to them, but you know they have there own life and their busy she doesn't want to disturb them. She'll tell then eventually when everythings okay.

Welp, that's Jennie for you she doesn't want to worry anyone nor cause trouble for them.

"He he he" Nayeon laugh nervously. She knows that Jennie will smack her for that or  do something even worse. "I'm sorry. It slipped, okay? Don't be mad at me, they are our friends so you don't need to worry. "

"Still!! I don't want any false rumors.What if others hear it?" The other line was silent when Jennie retorted

"I'm at home when I told them." Nayeon said nonchantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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