Chapter 5

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JENNIE was too engrossed with the flowers in front of her. White roses to be exact. Among all the flowers this one's her favorite.  The smell is really good.

Suddenly, a voice was heard.. "Miss Kim?" It came behind her. Making Jennie flinch, making her literally jump.

After a few moments, she composed herself first before turning to see the person. As soon as she face the person, immediately she shot her death glare at him.

"I'm sorry if I startle you, Miss Kim." a tall young man said while chuckling.

"Haha.. Funny Kai." Jennie mockingly said.
Kai continued laughing. It's really fun teasing this dumpling, she's easily irritated.

"Ohhh man, that was funny." Jennie just rolled her eyes at him. After the laughing died...

"When did you come back?" Jennies asked confusely at her cousin.

"Just this morning." he answered smiling.

"And why?" Jennie said raising her one eye brow. Suspicious of him. Well knowing this guy right here. He wouldn't just show up here if nothing happened or he has a problem.

"Oh come on dumpling.. Don't you miss your favorite slash handsome cousin?" He said pouting.

Jennie just rolled her eyes. Her cousins childishness is really something. It kinda irritate her sometimes but it's fine.

"I don't miss you, your not handsome, and your not my favorite." She replied teasingly but pretended to be serious.

"Ouch... You're hurting me, Jen." he said acting hurt. Hands on his chest.

"Pshhh... Drop the act and answer my question, Jongin. What do you want?" Jennie said seriously. She doesn't want to think about his problem. She's already getting crazy about her own problems regarding the company's bankrupcy.

He followed her in the pavillion.

"I heard you're getting married. Is it true?" he ask seriously.

She sighed heavily. "So, I guess it's true." he said still looking at her intently.

"I'm worried, Kai," she said. He didn't said anything and just let her continue.

"I'm worried about this whole thing. The marriage thing and the company." she said worry is all visible in her voice and face.

"If I refuse this marriage it'll be the end of the company. I don't want to be selfish because I know that dad and granpa worked so hard for everything. But, marriage is just much. However, I don't have any choice. I just hope she doesn't do anything that'll hurt me." Jennie said with anxiousness.

Kai stand up and hug her for comfort.

"I won't let her hurt you." With that Jennie was comforted so she hugged back. Kai was like a brother she never had. She was lucky enough to be his cousin. "And I also know that you won't let yourself get hurt, you're a sadist after all." he added laughing.

"Thank you, Kai." she said mockingly. They pulled out the hug. Then shot a death glare. What did she even expect from her crazy cousin?

"But seriously, I just here okay, I will help you in anyway I can.... If you need help that is," he cupped my face "If you need someone to talk to I'm here. I'm just one call away." he said seriously while intently looking at me.

"I know." Jennie proudly said smiling widely. Kai chuckle then squeeze her mandu cheeks. Causing Jennie to drop her smile.

"Yah!!!" She shouted angrily and attempted punching him. But Kai was quick enough to dodge her. "That hurts!!"

"Woah... easy tiger. Such a sadist." Kai smirked before running away.

"Yah!!!! Come back here you!!." The cat angrily pointed at him.

"I'm Not brave enough. Nice seeing you again, Jen! Love ya! Call me if you need help. I'm just one call away." he reminded still smiling widely before leaving Jennie's sight. Jennie just shake her head at his childishness

If he's not my cousin, I'm sure I would have fallen for him. Jennie thought.

(A/N: I won't let that happen, dear😂😂)

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After Kai left, one of our maids told me that the guest has arrived. I suddenly got nervously and I don't know why!!!

"Dammit why are you beating so fast??!!" I touch my chest. Will something happen?? Damn what will happen??!!

I shake my head. "Tsk.. I'm going crazy!" I sighed heavily. Calming my self while breathing in and out.

Breath in

Breath out

Breath in

Breath out

It took me few minutes to calm myself.... Unfortunately, it... didn't stop beating hard. So I just took all my courage with me and make myself look normal. What the heck is happening with me? I'm really going crazy!

Finally, I went inside. Laughter can be hear as I enter the house, obviously because they're oud. I followed where the noise is coming from and it took me in the dining hall.

There I saw my parents laughing with two other good-looking couple.

Must be the Manobans. But hey, I didn't expect them to be like this, smiley and all. My eyes landed on a certain someone who's eating quietly, not minding her surroundings. It's a woman with ash-brown hair color. She's wearing a all-black suit. Her side profile is breathtaking. Her pointed jawline, straight nose and plump lips. I can just see her side view, what more if she face me. Maybe she felt someone staring at her. She lift her head and turn to me.


I don't know...... But.......


Eyyy yoowww!!! Had a change of mind.

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