Ch.1 It was a dream

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Selena P.O.V

I'm alone, barefoot, and dressed in white. Where am I? No one is around, I'm all alone. Alone. Every thing in the world is still in place but I'm alone. I let out a breath, I could see it. I realized how cold it was. I felt a lump in my throat, was I really the only person on the entire planet? I looked down at my feet it seemed everything was losing it's color, everything I saw become black and white and before you knew it, I was standing by myself in a white room. I start hearing voices..."GET OUT OF HERE", "YOU PATHETIC CHILD", "DROP DEAD, "KILL YOURSELF HONESTLY". I can't stand it. I can't bare it any longer. I cover my ears with my hands and I drop down on to the grown and let out a scream.

"SEL WAKE UP" I snap my up my head resulting in it colliding with Sierra. "OWWW" we said in unison. "Bad dream?" Sierra asked, "yeah" I replied while rubbing my forehead. I looked at the clock, 4am it read. "Welp time to get up and get ready!", "Whatever freak I'm going back to bed" said Sierra as shev walked over to her bed, I rolled my eyes. I let out a sign and checked the bunk bed above me, Kendra was still sleeping, seriously she could sleep through anything! I don't know how I would survive at this boarding school if it weren't for Kendra and Sierra. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole.

After doing my hair, makeup, and wearing some decent looking clothing, I was finally ready. I went on my laptop and scrolled through the usual social media sites waiting on Kendra and Sierra. I saw the occasional "UGGHHH it's Monday" posts, some more about school sucks and all that. Honestly I just want to get today over with. "Okay I am ready, I don't care if I look ugly, I am ready. Don't give me shit about my look" said Sierra. I turned around and saw Sierra, she never really did care about how she looked, but somehow she manages to always look amazing and I never questioned her. Kendra then walked out of the bathroom looking like Miss America. "DAY-UM" I said. We both just laughed. "C'mon guys we gotta get to class!" said Kendra.

Someone kill me. Science is my worst subject, I never understood anything, it was all so confusing! Thank god for the guy who sits next to me, Kyle. He's like my personal tutor, he doesn't have any patience when tutoring me but he always pulls through. I rarely ever pay attention during class, I like to day dream and stare at this certain guy......Justin Bieber. I could stare at him all day long. I know he would never be interested in me but I can stare right? He has probably never ever said one word to me whatsoever. "Miss Gomez staring at Mr.Bieber won't help you learn Scientific notations" I felt my heart drop and a roar of laughter from the classroom. "Ummm I apologize Mrs.Fin" I looked over at Justin who had a small smile on his face. God I am so embarrassed. I sunk down into my chair and looked over at Kendra and Sierra who both gave me a sympathetic look. Just let me die now.

I let out a sigh of relief as for it was now the end of the day. I walked into my dorm and lay face-down on my bed and letting out a loud groan. I hear the door closed and saw Sierra and Kendra walk in. "Brutal day I swear!" said Kendra. I let out another groan indicating that I agreed. I thought about what happened today in science class and felt my body twitch. I hated my brain reminding me things I don't want to remember.

Justin's P.OV.

I let out a satisfaction sigh as I walk into my dorm room. "What's up bro?" said Ryan, "Nothing much I replied". "So I heard Gomez was staring at you during Science" Chaz said as he turned around in his computer chair. I let out a laugh, "yeah I thought it was kinda cute how she was all embarrassed". "Bitches love the Biebs" I fist bumped Chaz "You know it" I said joking. But that was the first time I honestly ever noticed Selena, she was always so distant from everyone else and so quiet. When she first got here at Golden Coast Academy she was shy and new. "Hoop shooting anyone?" said Ryan making me snap out of my thoughts. "Leggo" I replied.

"HE SHOOTS AND HE......SCORES" I screamed like a child as I made a perfect basketball shot. "Dear god here comes fucker" I looked in Ryan's direction. My fist clenched as I saw it was Adam Hills, the biggest douchebag at this school. Kid always tries to mess with me and my guys, walks around like he owns the place. "Aye Bieber, this is my court. So scram" screeched Adam across the basketball court. Is he seriously picking a fight with me? "Whatever man" I throw the ball and watch as it bounce off his face. I heard a loud "OOOHHHHH" coming from Ryan and Chaz. Douche deserved it. We decided to ditch the court before a fight before I fucking Kicked Adam Hill's ass.

It was already dark when we got back to our dorm. I took off my shirt and slid into bed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I'm alone. It's cold. Why is it cold? Where is everyone? Am I dreaming? No one is sight. "Hello?" I could hear my voice echo, I didn't get a response. I let out a breath, I could see it. Damn it's cold. Everything around me starts for drain out it's color, everything was turning black and white. Before I knew it, everything disappeared. I now stand in a white room. "JUSTIN", "OVER HERE JUSTIN", "DON'T DO IT JUSTIN", "DON'T DISAPPOINT ME", "THINK STRAIGHT", "ACT RIGHT" these voices...I can't handle them. I fall down onto my knees and let out a scream. Suddenly I woke up breathing hard. It was just a dream

End Notes: Hey my first fan fic! Hope you liked it! Really really really sorry if its boring! I did my best, I still need inspiration. I tried to make it good. This is my first story! I apologized for grammar mistakes. Things will get better...hopefully. :) Vote please!

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