Ch.7 Keep This From Me

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Selena's P.O.V

I didn't talk to Justin for the rest of the week. Whenever I saw him I walked the opposite way. I can't deal with this, I don't even bother to make eye contact with him. One sided love always sucks, he isn't good for me. I snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. Trying to avoid Justin once again I was the first one out the door. I shoved my books in my locker and closed it, I turned my head and almost jumped out my skin. “You have GOT to stop doing that!” I said. “We need to talk” said Justin seriously. “Maybe next time..uhhh gotta go!” I said in a hurry, walking away from Justin. I didn't bother to look back.

I unlocked my dorm and walked in. Sierra and Kendra were no where to be found. I jumped on my bed and got comfortable, suddenly my phone started ringing. Closing my eyes I chanted “please don't be Justin, please don't be Justin”. Pulling out my phone I wave of relief washed over me for it was only my Mom. “Hey Mom!” I saw cheerfully …..there was a pause “Mom?”. “Sweetie there's something I need to tell you” she said nervously. I stood up my bed “what is it?”. “It's about your father and I....we ….we got a divorce”.

My world came crashing down. I dropped my phone. But quickly picked it back up “WHEN!?” I screamed. I heard my mother gulp “After we sent you to boarding school”. “You lied to me...I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG. WHY DID YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME.” I screamed. Not wanting to hear anything else from my mom I hung up. I let myself fall onto the ground, I curled up into a bowl and cried oceans of tears, for I was lied to by the ones I loved.

Justin's P.O.V

Selena's mad. I haven't heard from my parents in months. Adam Hills still ticking me off. Can my life get any worse? I turned off my lamp and punched my pillow repeatedly to get out some anger. Finally I laid down and drifted off to sleep, thinking about Selena for some reason.

Dream *

It's cold. Everything's white. I'm in a large blank room. No this dream again! I want for the horrific part where I start hearing the voices....but I don't. I look off into the distance and see a girl, wearing purple. She was very visible even though she was the other end of the room, what seemed like miles away from me. As she was walking towards me she left a trail of colors, beautiful colors that light up the room. I started walking towards her, curious to who she was lighting up my dream. As I was getting closer and closer, I saw her face. It was Selena. Now we were running towards each other. But suddenly Selena's trail of colors turned white, her smiled faded, her dress turning white. I tried to reach to her but something stopped was glass. I took a step back a wall of glass was preventing me from reaching Selena.

Suddenly from Selena's side of the room I started telling daggers shoot at her, she just stands there helpless as her white dress now starts to stain with fresh red blood. I tried everything I could to break the glass but nothing help, I stood there helplessly watching Selena get hurt. The daggers stopped. Selena walked towards me, in pain. And weak. She looked me in the eyes and mouthed “Sorry”.

But I should have been the one who was sorry. I hurt her.

End Notes: First I'd liked to apologize for keeping you waiting so long! First I got writer's block and then I couldn't find time to write. I am trying my VERY best to continue and get new ideas. I've been feeling inspired lately. But trust me I won't leave this story hanging. I will finish it no matter what. Now this story is FAR FAR from being finished, I am hoping for it to have many chapters. So bare with me. Follow me on twitter @JessiAsianTran

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