Ch.3 Party

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Author's Note: I decided to update early! Wattpad is being strange. It says my story is unavailable on the website and it won't show my updates on the mobile app...hopefully this will be fixed. Here's chapter 3!

Selena's P.O.V

I peacefully sleep for another hour, when I awoke I prayed that it wasn't just all a dream. I slipped out of bed, went to the bathroom, and got ready, I kept smiling like an idiot, how was I even breathing when I was talking to him? I ran my fingers through my hair one last time and stepped out of the bathroom. “Why so smiley today?” Sierra smirked...”I Ummm....Just good day ya know?”, “Hmmmm does it have something to do with my sneaking out at 4am this morning and not returning like an hour?”, I snapped my head over to Kendra, “Oh you heard that...did I wake you?” I nervously replied. Kendra scoffed “Cut the crap and tell us what happened”. “Well I couldn't sleep so I went to go get a water bottle..” I said. “AAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDD???” Sierra and Kendra said in unison. “IsawJustinandwetalkedanditwasamazingandandand” I spoke quickly. “whoah whoah whoah SLOW DOWN” Sierra said while making hand motions. I let out a sigh “Fine, I saw Justin walking down the hallway, he couldn't sleep either so we started talking..”, “SEL ACTUALLY TALKED TO THE OPPISOTE SEX?” squealed Kendra. I rolled my eyes “ SHUT UP!”. “What what did you guys talk about?” questioned Sierra. “Ahh..Ummm Just s-stuff” I responded. Sierra, unconvinced, nodded. “Guys leggo, we're gonna be late. I don't want Mrs.Fin bitching at me again for being late.”

I nervously walked into the classroom, I looked around and saw Justin wasn't here yet, phew. I sat down at my assigned seat. I reached into my bag and go out my notebook, setting it at the edge of my desk, it dropped onto the floor. I let out a groan, just as I was about to pick it up, it was handed to me by someone....Justin. He flashed me a smile as he handed me the notebook and whispered in my ear “Thanks for this morning”, I blushed, I'm sure my face was red as a tomatoes. He walked by to his desk , while I sat there in realization that what happened was indeed NOT a dream. Honestly I spent the rest of the class secretly glancing at Justin, Thank god I didn't get caught by Mrs.Fin. When class was over Justin came up to me “Hey Sel I'll meet you are your locker when classes are over? I have to tell you something”, my face lit up “Yeah locker #311”, Justin nodded “Ight” and left. I checked my pulse....okay I'm still alive.

5..4...3..2...1“Class dismissed” said Mr.Munt. I zoomed out of the classroom and ran to my locker, when I was getting closer to my locker I slowed down and acted causal, I opened my locker and reviewed what I needed in my head “Okay today's Friday, No homework in.....hmmm all of my classes” I grinned. I threw all of my books in my locker and shut it, only to be startled by...Justin. I put my hand on my chest “Geezus you scared me”, Justin chuckled. “So what'd you want to ask me” I questioned. “Oh right umm” Justin nervously scratched the back of his neck, “I was wondering....if you weren't doing anything tonight, if you would like to drop by a party one of my friends is having over at the boy's dorm? You can bring your friends too”. I started screaming in the inside “YES....I mean yeah sure, we'll drop by” I casually said. “Alright cool” replied Justin walking away. I did a little happy dance behind Justin's back, he turned around, I quickly stopped. He smiled and continued walking. I felt all jittery inside.

I dramatically opened my dorm room pleased to see Sierra and Kendra. I Stepped onto Sierra's single bed and announced “LADIES. Tonight we are going to a party”. Kendra and Sierra looked at each other with widen eyes, “WHAT?!?!” they screamed. “We have been invited to a party over at the GUY'S dorm” I said. “WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GONNA WEAR?” Kendra said. That hit me like a bus. I sat down on the bed “I have no idea. “Well there's no fucking way I'm wearing a dress, forget that” Sierra said. I wasn't gonna argue with her, I knew how she was. “OKAY. EVERYONE CALM. Let Kenjy handle this”. Kendra then started going through our closet and throwing clothes on the floor while me and Sierra just sat on the bed and stared. We waited patiently until she was finished. “Okay bitches, we are going to get sexified tonight” She throws me a dress and Sierra an outfit. Me and Sierra didn't want to question her. We put on our outfits. Kendra picked out for me a dress with white cloth material from the waist up like a tank top and from the waist down, the leather material reached mid-thigh. I wore my black wedges to tie the outfit together. Sierra wore black leather pants, a white tanktop, a leather jacket, and rhinestone flats. Finally Kendra wore a light blue dress with lace over it, with black pumps. I looked at everyone “Kendra you are a genius” I spoke, Kendra popped her imaginary collar “I knows”. Sierra groaned “These pants are giving me a wedgie”. “Deal with it” Kendra said bluntly. We spent what seemed like hours on our hair and makeup. Kendra rocking her curls, Sierra with her hair pin-straight, and me working the high bow-bun. “TO THE PARTY” Sierra dramatically ran out the door.

We walked in the guy's dorm lobby, the music was loud, the place was packed, drinks and food everywhere. So this is what being at a party felt like. “Let's dance?” Kendra and Sierra nodded. We started dancing to Scream by Usher. I turned around and noticed Sierra and Kendra were gone, must've been lost in the crowd. I shrugged it off, we didn't bother bringing our phones, I figured I would find them later. I started walking around passing by completely drunk teenagers, couples making out, and people getting high. Typical high school house party. I started hoping I would run into Justin, and something caught my eye. Justin was up close and personal, swapping spit with some blonde. I felt like a dagger stab me in the chest. I knew me and Justin didn't really have anything but it still hurt, a lot. I looked away and sucked in my stomach telling myself not cry. I walked over to the bar to sit, a droopy expression on my face, I looked down. “Hey you okay?” said someone, I looked up “Yeah I'm good”. “You sure? Mind if I sit with you?” he asked. “Yeah go ahead”, “I'm Adam, Adam Hills.”, “I'm Selena”. “Lemme guess, boyfriend problems?” he asked, “Well....he wasn't exactly my boyfriend. Just boy problems I guess.”. “Well...let me make you feel better” Adam reached over the counter of the bar and grabbed a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses. He poured the liquid into both shot glasses and handed me one, his face expression telling me to drink it. I hesitated at first but then I thought about Justin kissing that girl, I grabbed the glass and drank it, the vodka stinging my throat. It felt good. “That's the spirit” Adam smirked. I looked over at Justin across the room, his lips were still attached to the other girl. I snatched the vodka bottle from Adam and started chugging it, Adam looked at me with wide eyes. Let's get this party started.

Justin's P.O.V.

“What the hell get off of me” I pushed off some clearly drunk chick, she pulled me back in and crashed her lips onto mine, she tasted like beer and vomit. Disgusted, I pushed her off again and walked away. I tried looking for Selena again. Did she even show up? As I was looking out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl dancing on a table top with a bottle in her hand, her hair down, and she was screaming. I walked closer, she looked so familiar...It was Selena. I grabbed her hand and pulled her down. She almost fell over but I caught her. She looked at me “Ohh HAHA HHHEEYYY J-Justin” she drunkenly said. Oh my god she was smashed. I grabbed the bottle out of her hand, “Why the hell did you get so drunk?” I asked. “Well why the fuck were you making out with that whore” she pushed me away angrily and walked away. I grabbed her and swung her over my shoulder, “PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN” she struggled to get off of me. I didn't know where her friends were, or her dorm room so I decided to take her to my own dorm. On the way there she stopped struggling, I assumed she was half asleep. I put her down and then picked her up bridal style. When I reached my dorm I unlocked it and kicked the door open. I gently layed her down on my bed, took off her shoes, and tucked her in. I sat down next to her on the bed and brushed some hair out her face, she looked so innocent. I smiled and softly kissed her forehead. “Goodnight Sel”

End Notes: OHHH EEEMMMM GGEEHHH. What do you think? I spent HOURS on this, you have no idea. Can you guess what happens next? Special thanks friend Maggie who once AGAIN was my co-writer. She is amazing. Check out her 1D fanfic called “Everything About You” her username is FutureMissHoran. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon! Vote please :)  

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