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Author's Note: GGAAAAAHHHHHH. Update. Read End Notes. I will love you forevers.

Selena's P.O.V.

It was really late. I carefully opened the door to my dorm and slipped in. The lights were turned off, I assumed they were all asleep. I carefully shut the door. But as soon as I did the lights turn on. “Damnit” I whispered, I turned around to see Kendra and Sierra looking at me, arms crossed. “Where have you been all day?” asked Sierra sounding like my mother. “Out” I replied. “By yourself?” Kendra asked sarcastically. “No...w-with”, “JUSTIN...weren't you?” I looked away and nodded. “Wait how did you know!?!” I asked in a panic. “It was going around all over campus....I even heard you guys made out and everything” said Sierra. My eyes widen “I SWEAR WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, WE JUST TALKED.” Kendra rolled her eyes “Calm your tits, we know. You have never even kissed a boy so it was obvious it wasn't true”. I made a face “SHUT UP”. “Just go to bed loser”. I changed and got into bed. I fell asleep thinking about what happened at the Coffee shop just a few hours ago.

Justin's P.O.V.

As soon as I walk through the door Chaz screams “YOU. ME. DOUBLE DATE. TOMMORROW.” “I'm sorry Chaz I can't go on a date with you, we're just friends remember?” I said jokily. Ryan starts cracking up while Chaz looks at me annoyed, “Noooooooo, I meant WE. US. Go out on a date WITH GIRLS, TOGETHER”. “Why can't Ryan go?” I looked at Ryan. Ryan clears his throat “Because-” “BECAUSE HE'S A PUSSY” Chaz cut him off. Ryan smacked him, “NO! I've just had my eye on this girl and I don't want her to misunderstand”. “Basically He's whipped by a girl who isn't even his girlfriend” said Chaz. Ryan smacked him again. “OW, Justin just PLEASE GO WITH ME” Chaz begged. I knew Chaz wasn't going to stop begging so I let out a sigh and said “Okay fine”. Chaz leaped in the air and affectionately hugged Justin, “I LOVE YOU MAN.” I pushed him off, “Tell me the deeds, and I am only doing this ONCE”. “Tomorrow afternoon we met the ladies at Starbucks and decide where to go after that” said Chaz sounding excited. I nodded heading towards my bed, climbing in, falling asleep.

Selena's P.O.V.

Strange. I didn't dream at all. I checked the time on my phone, it was still early. I was hoping to receive a text from Justin for our plans today. I couldn't help but play what happened last night over and over again in my head. I smiled, putting my face into my pillow and screaming happily. I felt a pillow hit my butt, “Shut up” I heard Kendra say above me from her bunk. I threw the pillow back on her bed and looked over at Sierra, sleeping peacefully, hugging her laptop like it was her husband. I got up and decided to get ready in case Justin texts me for plans. I went into the closet and picked out a grey long sleeved shirt with black bows all over it, black skinny jeans, a pair of vans. Perfect causal going out look. I jumped into the shower feeling the warm water against my skin. I couldn't help but stay in for a few more minutes after I was done, preparing myself for the freezing cold feeling when I step out.

I wrapped myself in a towel and blow dried my hair, then straitening it. I carefully did my makeup to perfection. Finally I put on my outfit and looked at myself in the mirror, I was very pleased with my reflection today. I check my phone again, it was around noon. Still no texts or calls from Justin.

I sat around my dorm, doing random things to keep my busy. I attempted to text Justin, but I chickened out. Kendra and Sierra invited me to go shopping but I declined. I got insanely bored, so I made my way down the hallway towards the elevator. I stepped in pressing the button labeled “Lobby”. The doors opened and I stepped out. I might as well hang out here for a while. I sat down on the couch and picked up a magazine.

After about 7 magazines, I realized I forgot my phone upstairs. I sprinted to the elevator, pressing my floor and waiting anxiously until the doors opened. I ran into my dorm and plopped on my bed, grabbing my phone. Zero messages and calls. I groaned. I finally came to the conclusion that Justin probably isn't going to contact me anytime soon. I felt stood up...but I wasn't even going on a date. I slapped my hand on my forehead. I made up this entire perfect date-like day in my head. We were just friends. I huffed grabbing my car keys and shooting Kendra a text saying I'm meeting them up at the mall. I'm already ready, might as well go somewhere at least.

On my way to the student parking garage I decided to grab a mocha before I go. I opened the door and walked into Starbucks. I froze in my tracks. There Justin was. Laughing. Happy. With a different girl. I ran out of the store, sprinting to the parking garage. I got into my car and grab the steering wheel, slamming my head into it, making the horn activate. I pull my head up and slouched down in my seat, and began to softly sob. He never has any interest in me. I didn't have a reason to cry. He wasn't my boyfriend. I let these thoughts sink it. Finally I straighten myself up, wiped my face off, and pulled out of the garage.

Justin's P.O.V.

I played on my phone while waiting with Chaz for our dates to show up. We already ordered the coffee and everything. I heard foot steps approach our table, Chaz nudged me as I looked up. “We're here” they chirped. Chaz smiled, “Justin, this is Megan and Becca. Becca is mine, Megan is all yours”. Becca smiled and sat down next to me. I couldn't help think Megan looked VERY familiar. I kinda of checked her out, head to toe. That's when it hit me. Megan was the drunk chick that kissed me at the party. Well this is gonna be hell.

During our double date we just talked and stuff. Chaz and Becca were being pretty flirty and gett's cozy. While I was absolutely not clicking with Megan at all whatsoever. She bent over the table a lot trying to grab my attention, if you catch my drift. I tried my best to ignore. She bats her long, obviously fake lashes a lot. I basically just nervously smiled and laugh the entire time.

I heard the bell ring indicating someone walked into the store. I looked up, I caught a glance of long black hair. Whoever it was left. I looked down at my coffee cup and smiled, thinking of Selena. That's when my eyes widen and I felt my stomach drop. Selena. We had plans. I didn't text her. Shit. I got up from the table “Umm I need to go...I forgot I had a p-paper to write...BYE!” with that I ran out the door. I looked around for Sel, but she was no where to be found.

Selena's P.O.V.

I stopped the car when I heard my phone ringing. It was Justin, I pressed ignore. I think it's best I don't get involved with him, anytime soon, or ever. I turned off my phone and continued driving.

Author's Note: I updated because I don't like keeping people waiting. I am VERY excited about the next chapter. I know what you're thinking....this chapter is boring and predicable. Bare with me. Sorry I kept switching POVs! Vote please.

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