8 - What did you just call me?

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- If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?


What, from the bottom of my heart, the fuck?

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" I yell, waiting for them to tell me that this is some kind of a sick joke.

"Yes, but you didn't have to point that out in front of everyone," Erica mutters, rolling her eyes at me. "I mean, it was supposed to be a secret."

"Shut the fuck up Erica. Now's not the time to joke," Bruce interrupts, looking at me and Ridge. "Do the dare guys."

"I'm so not doing that." I yell, getting up from my position, Ridge's jacket falling off me. "Give me a real dare, you fucktards."

"Exactly, this is not a dare. It's a fucking conspiracy," Ridge says, getting up himself. Everyone else just roll their eyes at us, murmuring amongst themselves, completely ignoring us. What even?

"Sorry guys, you have to do this. Don't chicken out. A dare is a dare." Trish shrugs, looking at us.

Who the fuck even gives such dares? Dating someone for 3 months? 3 months? I decide to weigh the pros and cons. Pros are that Ridge is hot. He has that sexy, mischievous, rugged devil-may-care vibes that make him even more hot and sexy. Also his voice, God, don't get me started on his voice. I kinda have a thing for a guy's voice and Ridge's voice is husky and smoky in a mysterious way. His voice is rough but smooth at the same time, and deep but soft at the same time. Nothing I've ever heard or liked before, for that matter. Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to him. It's a win-win for me.

Maybe, dating him is not such a bad idea after all.

I look up to meet Ridge's gaze, gesturing him to come with me. He understands the signals and turns towards everyone else." Why don't Lydia and I talk about it and then decide if the dare's worth it or not."

After everyone nods their head, Bruce decides to speak up, "Don't start having sex in the room for practice guys."

"Shut up." Everyone else says in unison.

By now most of the people have left the game and are scattered around the house so it's just our group and a few other people from the school, probably waiting for the verdict and then gossip about it in school tomorrow. Typical.

Together, hand in hand, might I add, we head inside. Since Ridge thought that I might get lost between this sea of people, he decided to take hold of my hand, dragging me towards the corridor. He looks like a man on mission, already knowing his destination.

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