26 - I remember drinking water

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Bali was an amazing adventure.

But now we are back to reality, and I'm starting to feel like Jesus hates me. As soon as we were back to school from our trip, the school decided to throw a test bomb on the students. According to the school teachers, we need to have a test series to prepare ourselves for final exams. What bullshit.

And, twenty percent of these grades will add up in the finals. How fucking great that is. I mean, we are not even allowed to breathe without a book in our hands.

Sighing, I walk down the stairs, to see Em and Tanner already present near the dining table, having pancakes. Martha smiles at me and gestures for me to have a seat.

"Good morning fam." I greet everyone and dig into my breakfast as soon as Martha places a plate full of pancakes in front of me. Everyone murmurs back and then digs into their food.

I hear footsteps thumping on the floor, a clear sign that Whiskey is running around the house, probably coming down, to us. Not even a few seconds later, Whis runs down the stairs with dad trailing behind him, typing away on his phone.

Dad shoves his phone in his pocket and gives us all a bright smile. "Good morning everyone."

"Good morning dad." I say, finishing my breakfast. I wipe my face with the table napkin and get up to get a glass of water.

"Good morning old man." Both Tanner and Em greet him, and then snicker after making eye contact with each other. They so did that on purpose.

Dad glares at them, but doesn't reply and heads straight to the kitchen. "Martha, what do we have for breakfast today?"

"Pancakes." She replies, preparing more batter.

"Great, I'll have some too." Clapping, he lowers himself down on the chair and gets on his phone, again. He's seriously obsessed with his phone.

I pick up my bag from the floor and swing it on my shoulder. "Come on guys, or we'll be late."

Tanner and Em get up from their places and pick up their bags. Bidding everyone farewell, together we walk towards the front door but dad's voice calling my make stops us. "Yes dad?"

"Don't think for one second that I've forgotten about you and that Ridge boy. We still need to have that talk." He yells.

Oops, I'm screwed.


"Do you guys want to hangout today, after school?" I hear Ashton asks the group as I join them in the cafeteria, placing the bag near my chair.

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