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Whatever vacation Hawkmoth had been on, was over. It had taken a month, but there was finally a new akuma and Chat Noir was ready to see his lady. He hadn't seen her in two weeks.

"Sweet Dreams, my pretty things!" sang a voice. 

"Purrsonally, I prefurr a nice nap in the sun." claimed Chat Noir, twirling his baton. 

"Hand over your miraculous, kitty cat , and I won't knock your lights out!" shouted the akuma.

 "Dream on you overgrown fairy." Chat shouted. 

"The name is Candy Queen!" the purple fairy shouted. 

"Lucky Charm!" shouted a voice. 

"Bugaboo?" he turned, frantically looking for her. 

A flash of red swung passed him and into the purple fairy. 

"Ladybug?" questioned the akuma. 

With the confusion, she ripped the girl's pillow in half.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" shouted Ladybug, before swinging away. 

"Wait, M'lady!" Chat shouted, hesitant to follow, as a small girl was left in the akuma's place.

 "Abigail!" he heard shouted. 

A car pulled up and two people got out and hugged the girl. 

He smiled towards them and jumped after his lady.

"Who are you?" he hissed, as he came face to face with someone new. 

"I'm Mariquita, the new Ladybug." 

"New? Where's Ladybug?" he shouted. 

"On her honeymoon?" Mariquita answered, not expecting his reaction. 

"What?" Chat cried out. 

"I thought-"she began, but Chat Noir ran away before she could finish. "I thought they were together. Maybe Tikki can fill me in." she spoke to herself before returning home.

Chat ran over the rooftops to the only other place he felt safe: Marinette's balcony, only to find her mother watering her plants.

"Oh, Chat Noir, what are you doing here?" Sabine asked. 

"Um, I was hoping to speak with Marinette. She's given me some really good advice at times." he spoke, trying to keep his voice calm. 

"I'm sorry, Dear, but she doesn't live in Paris anymore. She's moved to Gotham with her fiancée."

'What? How could she leave and not tell anyone?' he thought, forgetting he was in the presence of company.

Sabine watched as his face fell, his tail went limp, and his ears began to lay flat across his head.

"What's the problem? Maybe I can help?" Sabine smiled. 

"I love Ladybug, but now someone's replaced her. They say she's on her honeymoon." he sobbed out.

'Poor, Dear. A broken heart can cause a lot of damage.' she thought, remembering when Marinette use to sob over Adrien.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay." she whispered, pulling the young hero into a hug, "We never know who we will end up with. I never knew I was going to be with Tom and Marinette thought she was going to end up with that model friend of hers." 

Second Chance-A Daminette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now