Bonus 1-Alya's Realiziation

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It had been several weeks since Alya had heard from Layla. She thought back to the café and how her boyfriend just kept agreeing with Adrien.

 'How can he not see he's hurting her?' she wondered, 'Maybe this is my fault? I dragged her over to them.' 

Suddenly, Alya began to recall the looks her best friend would throw her boyfriend's way.

 'Maybe this isn't my fault! Did Nino say something to her? He knows she has her eyes on Adrien. Is he keeping them apart?' she began to question herself. 

"I can fix this!" Alya cried, grabbing her phone and walking out the door.

Alya smiles, "Hey, Bestie! You don't have to worry about Nino anymore. I broke up with him." Layla just rolled her eyes and suddenly the journalist notices a moving truck. 

"A-Are you moving?" she asked.

"Yes, back to Italy. I've grown bored here." Layla sneered. 

 "We'll still keep in contact and-" began Alya.

 "Would you stop!" shouted her BFF, causing Alya to freeze, "I honestly didn't think anyone was this pathetic. I don't need you following me like a little lost puppy anymore, got it?"

"What?" asked Alya, confused.

"Let me make this clear. I despise Ladybug. I wished I had killed her.Uh! Who knew they multiplied? Who knows if what that disgusting Chat said was true or if she just gave up." sneered Layla, showing Alya her true self.

"But you're best friends!" Alya shouted. 

"No. I just wanted to be popular and your stupid blog helped me do that." Layla smiled, looking at Alya's horrified face, "I mean.... breaking up with the guy you've been with for what... five years, just to spend time with little ol' me? I'm flattered." Layla smirked, as she slammed the truck's door shut and drove off. 

Alya watched as the truck drove into the distance, hammering in all that she had done over the last couple years.

She had turned her back on Marinette, her best friend. Her former best friend? Could she even call herself 'friends' with Marinette? Mari had gotten herself a boyfriend while she just brushed off her attitude towards Layla as jealousy. Her boyfriend had done a background check on everyone and could spot Layla's lies as soon as he entered the class. Marinette must hate her so much; she wasn't even invited to her wedding! Mari had become friends with Chloe, from what Adrien had said.

Ladybug had abandoned her, too. She never told anyone that she was Rena Rouge. Was Layla the reason why? She had posted up on the blog how they were best friends and Layla had just stated that she wished Ladybug was dead! Her heroine had turned her back on her, but maybe she had turned hers first.

Hell, half the class ignored her and the other half would only hang out with her when she wasn't with Layla. She hadn't wanted to abandon her new friend and she ended up losing so much more in the end. Adrien had even made it clear, he was in the latter. He didn't want anything to do with the Italian. Suddenly, her reason for seeing her friend popped into her head. Nino!

Frantically, she dialed Nino's number only for it to got to voicemail. 'Adrien'! She quickly called his number, no answer. 'The bakery! She thought, rushing to her destination.

"Pick up!" she shouted, as she rang the bakery's number. "Hello. This is-" 

"Adrien! This is Alya; have you seen Nino?" Alya cried into her phone, stopping momentarily.

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