Bonus 4 -The End

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Damian could see how happy and worried it made his wife as they took the jet back to Paris with their six month old daughter. As soon as they landed, they headed straight for the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

"Marinette; Damian! Welcome!" cried Sabine.

"Where's my little Sadi?" asked Tom, excitedly.

Marinette removed the blanket, sheltering their daughter from the cold.

Tom and Sabine cooed, "She's gotten so big!"

Adrien ran downstairs. "Did you guys say- Marinette! Damian!" he shouted and ran for a hug, but stopped when he saw Sadiya, "MiniBug!"

"Why don't we head upstairs and get settled for dinner?" Tom insisted, as he grabbed the car seat from his daughter.

With a nod, the family followed behind the smiling giant and the giggling bug.

Adrien sat on the floor, cooing at Sadiya as Marinette helped her mother in the kitchen with dinner and Damian talked business with Tom. Sadiya would giggle at her uncle as he made silly faces while Plagg played peek-a-boo, phasing in and out from various spots on his holder.

"Are you sure you can't stay here?" asked Sabine, as they got ready to go after dinner.

"It's okay, Maman. We'll be here all week. We have a reservation in Chloe's hotel and they had a crib installed in our room for her. We'll be back tomorrow. I'll call you before we arrive. We don't want to distract the customers." Marinette explained.

"There you are!" Chloe exclaimed upon their arrival, "I know you didn't get lost!"

"We had dinner with my parents and Adrien, Chloe." Marinette said, as she hugged her friend.

"Well tell him to visit me more often. He's my friend to you know." Chloe stated, "Now, here's you room keys. The crib has already been installed and set up. If you need anything, call the front desk. If they tell you 'no', call me."

"I'm sure we'll be fine, Chloe." Damian said, "How is your father?"

"Bored. He's visiting Mother since he's no longer in office. I'll speak with you all later. Seems someone forgot how to do their job." she huffed, turning away from the Wayne family.

As they reached the room, Sabrina stepped out, dressed in a maid's uniform.

"Oh." Sabrina said, shocked, "Um, hello. Marinette. I-uh, I didn't know this was you room."

"Hello, Sabrina." Marinette greeted.

'Seems Chloe never forgave her for turning to Layla's side.' she thought, eyeing the uniform.

"I work here, part-time. I'm still going to school for-"she began to converse.

Damian glared at the red head. Sadiya was ready for bed and was starting to fuss in her car seat.

"Yes, well, if you excuse us, our daughter need to rest and it has been a long flight."

"Daughter? Oh, of course!" she bowed, getting out of their way and rushing down the hall.

"That was rude." Mari pouted, but Sadiya's cries broke her concentration. Damian quickly entered the room and freed their daughter from the contraption. In an instant, she was giggling.

"Ah, a trap!" he smiled, as she continued to giggle.

Marinette quickly set to work on bringing their daughter's stuff out for the night so the could settle in for the night. When they woke up the next morning, there was a text from Adrien. Her parents had invited them over for a late breakfast and Adrien wanted to take Sadiya out to visit the shops around Paris to see if anything caught her eye.

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