Bonus 3- Enter Minibug

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Two months had passed and Marinette was due any day. Adrien and Nino had gone shopping for little things for his niece.

Nino wasn't sure what had changed, but Adrien's Ladybug obsession had shifted to that of Chat Noir. The basket was littered with black onesies with green tutus. Green bows and ribbons galore. A couple ladybug themes shoes or ribbons were added, but not much. He had a feeling Marinette was going to freak out when she saw it all and not in a good way.

It had been a week since his shopping spree and Adrien's phone blew up in the middle of class.

"Mr. Agreste! If you be so kind as to-" his teacher began to shout.

"I'm sorry! It's an emergency! I got to go!" Adrien called, grabbing his belongings and running towards the bakery.

Adrien burst through the door to see Tom and Sabine smiling.

"Let me grab my bag; it's already packed!" he shouted, as he bound up the stairs. Marinette was at the hospital and the baby was ready to come into the world.

Tom, Sabine, and Adrien arrived at the airport only to be escorted to a private strip. Bruce had sent the jet.

When they arrived at Gotham General, they easily found Bruce and Damian waiting.

"Tom. Sabine. It's good to see you again." Bruce said, shaking their hands.

"How's Marinette?" asked Adrien, bouncing in place.

"She safely delivered our daughter." Damian replied, "I'll see if she's ready for more guests. My brothers left not that long ago."

"So, Grandpa Bruce, how do you feel?" teased Tom.

"Old and like this day would never come. With all the trouble those boys give me, I wasn't sure I would ever be a grandfather." he chuckled back, "How about you two?"

"I've been waiting for this day since she was of dating age." commented Sabine, "Marinette has always been so full of love. I knew she'd make someone happy."

"I've been dreading it since she became of dating age." Tom replied.

"Really?" his wife teased, "So it wasn't you who pushed Marinette to bring Chat Noir home for breakfast and then commented how you could picture a bunch of kittens running around?"

Tom remained silent and Adrien groaned, casing the other two adults to chuckle at their misfortune.

"I thought we were never going to talk about that." Adrien whined, "It was embarrassing."

"You're not the one who was akumatized, Son." Tom glanced over.

"No, but I did have trouble with you, flying solo. It's already on my list to never make you angry again to the point of akumatization." Adrien shuddered.

Damian returned, closing the door quietly.

"Marinette says she's fine to receive guests, but try not to be to loud. Our daughter fell asleep not too long ago." he said, opening the door.

The baker's trio cooed over the tiny ravenette, asleep in her hospital cradle.

"What color are her eyes?" Adrien whispered.

"Green like her father's." Mari smiled.

"What's her name?" asked Tom.

"Wait, let me guess? Emma?" smiled Sabine.

"No!" shouted Marinette, quickly looking to their daughter, "Her name is Sadiya Mai Wayne." [Sadiya is Arabic for lucky/fortunate so says a  baby name website]

"I think Emma is a good name." chimed in Adrien.

Damian felt like he was missing something, but stated his part, "I also liked the name, but you flat out refused it."

Tim and Sabine laughed while their daughter glared at them.

"Marinette?" called out Bruce.

Tom and Sabine excuse themselves, taking Bruce with them to get some decent coffee, jet-lag and all.

"I-I do like the name Emma." Marinette began, after the door closed, "But...I didn't want to name our daughter Emma."

"Why not?" asked Damian.

"When I was fourteen, I imagined a family. I wanted to have two boys and a daughter. I had names for them. The name I had for the daughter was Emma, but I didn't want to give those names to our children." Mari began to explain.

"I don't understand." he spoke.

"Emma was the daughter I thought I would have when I was in love with Adrien." she confessed.

Both men looked shocked.

"Emma?" Adrien asked. Marinette simply nodded. "After-"

"After your mother. Yeah." Marinette stated.

Adrien was at her side in a flash. "Thank you, Milady. I know it's not real, but you thought of me and my mother." he said.

"Any time, Kitty." she smiled back.

"You said you had other names. Can-Can I have them for when I have a litter of my own?" he asked.

"Of course, Chaton. For the boys I liked Hugo and Louis, but just because you have these names doesn't mean that's what they'll be called. Whoever you get with, they have a say too." Mari stated.

"Hugo, Louis, and Emma Agreste." the baker boy smiled.

"It's like you didn't even hear the last thing I said." she sighed, "Since I closed the book on that part on my life, I refused to open it."

Marinette held her hand out to her husband and Damian was by her side.

"I have a new book and I don't want it to end." she smiled, lovingly up at him.

Damian leaned down and kissed his wife's head.

"We have Sadiya." she smiled, looking passed him to their daughter, asleep in her temporary bed.

"Are you saying you still want two boys?" Damian asked with a smirk.

"Eww, gross! I'm still here!" whined Adrien.

"It's not like it's going to happen while your still here!" shouted Marinette, "Let's see how we do with her first. I know she'll be well protected. She has an army of aunts and uncles ready to babysit. Not to mention her grandparents and great grandparents. But two boys? I don't know anymore. The Wayne Manor is lacking on femininity."

Damian glared back. "No. It's just that those idiot brothers of mine can't keep a partner. Grayson struck out and don't get me started on Father. " he said, shaking his head, "Father is the worst of them all."

Marinette and Adrien laughed.

"If anything, the Wayne Manor has plenty of strong, intimidating women. I think we need some sons with a spine." He smiled , causing his wife to blush.

"We'll see." she responded, before Sadiya began to stir.

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