Pyaar tune kya kiya..

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There arrived the dark fully drunk goth Ananya murmuring and blabbering something she was in such a pitiable comdition ..
Ring fell down from his hand and he who was on knees got up with fear and as she went near her she fainted on his arms he picked her and went to his room...
Ritika could not understand what was exactly happening ?

She with heavy heart went to his room ...and gathered courage to ask him what the hell was he doing right now??

RD had no courage to utter a single word he kept mum speaking nothing

Ritika understood everything from his silence she avoided him and thought he was still teh same old RD who used to avoid and hated her

He could not understand why was Ananya here??

Ananya regained consiousness but she forgot what exactly happened before she fainted..

As she woke up she said confidently I love you Randhir do you love me??

Randhir was puzzled he could not understand what was happening to him he softly said he hasn't thought about it he will tell he when he thinks about it..He remembered Ritika was hungry she had nothing

He said he will be back in a moment...he went to her in the next room she was weeping silently with all the things of room shattered

Sadda Haq:Chapter twoWhere stories live. Discover now