The Story Of Grasstail: Page 3

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"I have an idea," Windfall said "But it's risky."

"I'm all for it!" Grasstail meowed "When the fox gets a rabbit we go dive under it and snatch it!"

"WHAT!?!?" Grasstail looked at her sister with dismay, she probably would have thought of the same thing,but this? Coming for HER? "How do we even know it's hunting?" Grasstail asked. "Well look at it, it's sniffing like a mad horse!" She was right, the fox was tuning over snow, and holding it's head down. "It's risky." She meowed "I know, but it's the only way to feed our family." She replied. "Alright.” she said reluctantly

They followed the fox carefully, taking care not to distract it. Soon it started to nose at a small hill of snow, and the it bounced right in. With its tail in the air and nose in the snow it wriggled around and came up with a squealing rabbit, still fighting in it's jaws. The fox killed it swiftly, then set it on the snow. It stretched it self getting ready for a nice long diner.

"Windfall now!" Grasstail darted forward her Windclan roots making her speed alone easily.

(Hehe, I know it took me a long time to wright this, and I know there probably are some writing mishaps but I don't really )

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