The Story of Grasstail: Page 4

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Grasstail ran under the fox grabbing the rabbit into her mouth as fast as she could, before running for the border. Windfall soon caught up to her,

"That was great!" She panted.

"Thanks." Grasstail smiled, with energy to spare.

They trotted back home happily, excited to show their friends their catch

"Moonsweep?" Windfall called for their mother, they soon saw her Silvery black fur appeared from behind he old medicine cat den, "Come see what we caught!" Windfall said running up to her. Grasstail dropped the rabbit at her feet, "Where did you find such a thing in this season!?" She asked. Windfall opened her mouth, but Grasstail shot a warning glance at her, Windfall quickly changed what she was going to say to "Luck." she smiled. "Well, Grasstail divide it into 6 parts, so we can all have a little." Moonsweep said.

"Okay!" She answers biting into the leg and pulling it from the carcase, soon the butchering was done and she called out all the others.  Twigstep bounded out out from behind a bush, he was the youngest Warrior, he was a kitypet that got lost in their territory. His color was Snow white with one black tipped tail. Then there was Ravenheart, she was like Ravenpaw from long ago, the kit that had to run to live with an old tom in a barn, because of his mentors evil intentions. She was Black with a white tipped tail. Then, the least favorite of the small band, Jayfeather, The old grumpy tom, who was useless, well to the others, not Grasstail. Jayfeather was gray with light blue eyes which were sightless.

Saddens clouded Grasstail's eyes as she saw him, the wind of the ages had faded his fur to mostly white, and his personality had only gotten worse. Windfall nudged her and smiled "Look it's Jayfeather, your lov-" Grasstail pushed her over and shook her head "It's not like that!' Windfall takled her, and they rolled into a playful bundle of fur.

"Kits" Jayfeather mumbled "Not good for anything." Grasstail jumped up "Jayfeather, we were just playing." whispered Windfal, angerly "Play is stupid, whats the point of "play'?" He spat in her face. "It only waists time!"

(Hope you like Page 4 of Grasstail's story! Comment Vote and add! :D )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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