I got this idea from @mel_bruh 's fic because I'm a sucker for the fighters to lovers trope. Also, there is some 50s lingo in this one so don't laugh at me. Please enjoy!
Kairi hopped off the bus quickly and fast-walked towards his school hoping to find his friends before class started. The bus was running late but he was determined to meet up with some of his fellow teammates to get hype about the big game that night.
He skirted through the hallways as he dodged other students before he was able to find two of his friends standing by his locker.
"Dude where have you been?" Roshaun asked him.
"The bus was late" Kairi answered as he frantically grabbed his books from his locker.
"Well, you just missed the guys. They left for class and we better go to unless we want to be—" Alvaro was cut off by the bell—"late..."
The boys quickly parted ways and headed to class. Kairi was jittery for the first two periods because of the pep rally. Tonight was the big homecoming game and he was captain of the soccer team, everyone was counting on him to bring in the win.
After second period the whole school went to the gym for the pep rally. When Kairi got there he sat down with all of his teammates, all of them dressed in green letterman jackets. He and the boys were joking around getting hype when Kairi remembered he forgot something.
"Shit!" Everyone stopped to look at him. "I forgot our sign in the art room!"
"Is it really that big of a deal?" Alvaro asked.
"Yeah man, all the team captains are supposed to hold up their team sign when we get called up onto the court. Soccers the biggest sport here, we can't be the only team without one." Kairi got up from his seat and starting to run down the bleachers. "I'll be right back! Save my seat!"
Kairi ran as fast as he could through the halls until he made it to the art room and grabbed the poster he was looking for. As he was running back he decided to go alongside the back of the building rather than weaving through the hallways, hoping to save some time.
As he was running around the corner of the gym he slammed into something hard and he stumbled almost falling over. He looked up quickly to see what he had bumped into and noticed it was a greaser.
Kairis school had all the different stereotypes, jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, freaks, and greasers. Greasers were the types of kids that got into fights often, never showed up to school, and could almost always be seen smoking in some sketchy alleyway. And this was no different from the school's notorious bad boy, Mattia Polibio.
He was wearing his signature leather jacket on top of a plain white teeshirt with a lit cigarette in his mouth. He frowned harshly as he turned around, but his lips turned into a smirk as he noticed who ran into him.
"Sorry" Kairi apologized before trying to walk around him and get to the gym doors at the end of the building.
Mattia stepped in front of him. "Where do you think you're going short stack. The way you just ran into me is making me feel like your cruisin' for a bruisin'''. Mattia stepped closer as Kairi noticed Mattia's friend Alejandro was behind him.
"Look guys I'm not looking for a fight, just get out of my way," Kairi said sternly as he tried to step around Mattia again.
And again Mattia stepped in front of him towering over the smaller boy. "Not so fast munchkin I haven't even got started yet. What makes you think your bite-sized ass can slam into me and get away scot-free?"
Kairi stood still for a second before he came to his senses and shoved Mattia back, giving him a sharp glare. "Cut the gas asshole, I'm tired of hearing you talk and I'm gonna be late to the pep rally".

Mattia x Kairi Oneshots
FanficI have a lot of ideas so let see if this book works out. Requests appreciated! Cover made by @minsung_aesthetic