Chapter 9:

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(So, I have decided to say fuck it and add Elena (Reaper) and George (Centurion) into the story, and this will be about the time It happens, their origin stories will be altered a bit. Osiris will also make a comeback, since this is an alternative reality. Also, Demon from the Ghost Fanfic hasn't been found out yet, and Ghost is still keeping him a secret.)

(Death PoV)

I walked back with Ela, after we went in I went towards the Cafeteria and she went to her own way, she said goodbye before walking off. I grabbed my food and sat down at my table, I ate and then walked back to my room. Where Alexandr, Sarah, Gustave and Meghan were waiting for me.

"So Y/n, how are you?" Gustave asked, " I am fine." I said grabbing a Kopparberg from the fridge, I actually grabbed 3. I then went to enter my room. "Y/n, you need to tell us what is plaguing you, you clearly don't care if you live or die. What is wrong?" Alex said, blocking my door. "I. Am. Fine. I want to be alone, so please let me enter my room. And be alone." I said, pushing Alex aside and closing my door. Locking it. I put my earphones in and started watching YouTube.

I woke up the next day with banging on my door, I knew it was Alex by the way it was knocking. I sighed and went towards the door, after I got dressed. "What do you need Alex?" I asked after I opened the door. "You." He said dragging me out of the room. He forced me onto the Sofa and I looked around, I saw Meghan, Sarah and Alex stood there. Then there was a knock on the door. Alex answered it and it was Ela, "Is Y/n there?" she asked, Alex then moved out of the way to allow her inside. "Hey, I'm being interrogated." I said as a joke, Ela sat down next to Meghan.

"Now, tell us." Alex said, quite threateningly as he sat back down. "No." I replied, "Yes Y/n, come on, we are your family. Tell us please. We can see it hurts you inside." Meghan said with sincerity in her voice, "You always knew how to make me speak didn't you sis." I said, she smiled.

(Time Skip of Death telling Alpha, Tachanka and Valkyrie what he had already told Ela.)

"There, you fucking know now." I said, getting up and leaving the room, my mind was in a really shitty place right now. I had to get away from everyone. I made my way towards the Target practice, till I remembered I didn't have my guns so I made my way towards the café, grabbed my food, and ate by myself. I had just finished eating when the intercom buzzed itself into existence.

"Can Operators Ghost, Alpha, Ash and Black Death please come to my Office Immediately."

I got up and moved towards the office, The others were already there. "You are being sent on a recruitment run, two new operators have been spotted in a small town in America, you will go in and collect them. They may not come quietly so be careful." Six said before Dismissing us. Jager was waiting with his helicopter.

"Why do we have the two Mutes here?" Ash said with a lot of Anger. I just accepted it and sat there looking outside, Ghost did speak up, "Hey, if you had been through what we have then you would be a fucking mute too, so shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down."

Ash listened and sat down, Alpha sat next to me. "I'm sorry for forcing you to speak to us, but we could see that something was plaguing you and we had to know so we can try and help you."

"You know what happened to him? Not even the SAS knew, and I only got hints from the USB he gave me all those years ago. He had gone through hell, all because they wanted to replicate what happened to me. Just let him have his space for a bit." Ghost said, I looked at him and gave him a little nod. I heard Alpha sigh next to me.

(Time Skip till apartment.)

We had left Jager at the airport and drove down to the apartment in a minibus we had borrowed. We drove down to the location with Ghost talking about these two individuals, one was a robot, and the other was a soldier. Sounded cool but to be honest I didn't care that much.

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