Chapter 10:

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(Death PoV)

It had been a week since we got those three new operators, Reaper still doesn't talk to anyone as far as I know, but hey I didn't unless I was on mission. I was in the Woods again, just chilling and Drawing. That's when Reaper and Ela walked up behind me.

"Hey you two." I said, looking up a bit to look at what I was drawing then back down to the Sketchbook. "How was the mission?" I asked, "It was Ok, got it done quite easily when one of them has a Minigun for an arm." Ela said. I looked up, "So you told her?" I asked directly at Reaper. "She found out when I thanked Doc." She responded. I simply nodded. Ela looked confused, "You knew about her Cybernetics?" she asked me.

"Yeah, all you had to do was shake her hand." I responded. Reaper was still wearing a mask. I decided to take mine off, I agreed with Meghan that I would start showing my face and speaking.

"So what's happened recently that I don't know about?" I asked, Ela sat down and patted Reaper to sit next to her. She obliged. "Can I tell him?" Ela asked, Reaper nodded, "Well I have found a sister that was dead." She said, I was a bit confused but I quickly put 2 and 2 together. "Is that why you froze a bit when Ela and Zofia walked past?" I asked to Reaper, she nodded a bit. "My name is Elena Bosak, I don't really trust many people around here. But I trust you, Doc and Ela the most. Mainly because I know you guys can keep secrets." She said. I nodded.

"Well I might as well fully introduce myself. I am Y/n Castellano, Meghan's older brother. The one that isn't a prick." I responded, "Ian?" Ela asked, "Yeah I'm not that prick, how do you know him?" I asked her, "We met him on a mission where...." She stopped, I looked at her a bit worriedly, "Where he tried too?" I asked, "He tried to rape Meghan. But Ghost and Doc stopped him before it could happen. Then Ghost killed him." She said. I was quite angry.

"I am quite angry I didn't get to kill him myself. The Prick deserved everything." I said, Ela looked confused, "I thought you would have showed a bit of remorse towards a dead sibling." She said.

"Nah, that prick deserved to die by what he did to me, then what he did to Meghan, he just deserves to be tortured by Satan at that point." I said. Ela's confused look changed to her normal calm face. "I can rate that." Reaper said.

We spent another 2 hours sitting there talking. Before Reaper was called back to base for another mission. Me and Ela then stayed there for a bit chilling, where she then put her head on my shoulder. I didn't fight it. after about 30 mins I could feel her shivering, I passed her my coat again. She smiled at me.

We stayed there a bit, I found some wood I used to start a small fire to heat us up. till Ela got a message saying that Elena was in the infirmary. She got this message from Marius, our friendly German Pilot. She looked panicked and we ran over towards the base, after I put the fire out. we arrived at the infirmary and I saw Zofia sat there and Marius and Osiris stood by her broken arm. Ela grabbed the other arm, the not broken one.

That's when we saw her Wake up. Ela instantly started hugging her. That's when Elena squeezed out a few words, "Ela.....Air." Ela let go, Marius spoke up "We were worried for you Reaper." Marius exclaimed, " Yeah....Sorry about that." She said, "Thank you, but I feel ok. A bit of a headache but that happens when you are launched into a wall. Where's my balaclava?" She asked us, Marius pulled it out, "It got washed, from the blood ya know." He chuckled a bit and passed it over. "Doc should be here soon, he is just speaking to Six."

"Well, thank you, all of you." She said, even though me and Ela just arrived I nodded at the back. I don't even think the others knew I was there. "Your arm was a bit tricky to fix, but I do believe I got it. there were a few parts we had to borrow from the workshop." Osiris said. "Thanks Osiris." She said looking at her arm. "Anytime." He replied before getting up to leave. I followed him out and soon Ela and Marius joined. We walked to the Café to just sit and chat, well. They chat, I sit there eating and nodding when I can be arsed.

I walked back to my Dorm after that, forgetting my coat but eh. I don't mind. I walked into my room and saw Sarah and Meghan asleep on the couch, now I would help them but even moving them would probably wake the other up, actually Sarah is a heavy sleeper.

I picked Meghan up and put her in My bed, I then grabbed Sarah and put her in her own Bed. I then grabbed a few blankets and a spare pillow and got comfy on the Sofa, I actually went asleep with my mask on. Forgetting I had it on.

I woke up before the both of them, I made a coffee for myself and turned the TV on, the same bullshit news that I really don't care about. 'The war on the terrorists blah blah fucking blah' they know nothing when it comes to the terrorist threat. I switched over to scrapheap challenge, how many episodes of scrapheap challenge have they made? Because it seems to be a repeat every fuckin time.

I just turn the TV off, I decided to make myself breakfast instead of heading down the Café. As I was making my cheese on toast Meghan walked out of my room. "Why was I in your room?" she asked, I put the kettle on. "Because you and Sarah were asleep on the Sofa and I decided to put you both to bed, I didn't know what stage you were both at so I thought it was safe to put you in separate beds. I slept out here on the sofa." I said, I watched her blush a bit. "How long?" I asked.

"A couple of months." She said sheepishly. "You were dating before we even got here? How long have you known each other?" I asked, "A while now." Meghan responded. I just laughed a bit before finishing her brew. I passed it over to her.

"You want some cheese on toast?" I asked, she nodded. After I passed her a plate we sat down in the Living room. "We didn't know how you would have reacted once we found out you were my brother." Meghan said before biting into her food.

"To be honest I'm proud of you, I know her and I'm happy it's someone I actually know other than someone I didn't and would have to track their every movement." I said, Meghan looked at me a bit confused. "Say if it was a total stranger, if I met them I would be tracing every move to see if they actually care."

She smiled. I took off my mask so I could eat. "So I've seen you getting close to Ela." Meghan said smirking. "Maybe I have." I said. "Are you like immune to embarrassment or something, you were like this when we were younger." She said chuckling. "Maybe I am" I said laughing.

I heard a movement in Sarah's bedroom and she opened the door confused. "How did I get in there?" she asked, "Me." I responded before taking a bite out of my food. She nodded and went to make herself a brew.

"So where's your coat?" Sarah asked. "Ela has it, she was cold last night and I forgot to grab it off her." I responded. "You really are immune to embarrassment." Meghan chuckled. I smiled, "Perhaps I am, or maybe I'm just that much of a stone-cold killer. When Ela told me what happened to Ian I was close to laughing at his death." I said with a slight chuckle. "Ian was a prick. I deserved to die." Meghan said, I could sense the Venom on her tongue. I chuckled a bit.

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