Chapter 14

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(Death PoV, Mid Mission)

"[There are way too many for us, we have to fall back.]" I said, I looked back at an injured Hibana and Zofia. Then I looked at a Helicopter. "[Jager, get that helicopter moving. We have to get out of here.]"

"[Copy that.]" he said, I saw him run towards the Helicopter. Me and Tachanka kept firing on the hordes of White Masks that literally appear out of no-where. "[Helicopter's spinning up, get here now.]" Jager said, I looked back and saw Doc and Tachanka moving Zofia and Hibana into the chopper.

"[Death Fall back Now.]" I heard Doc say. I turned to run but I saw a White Mask that was carrying an RPG. I took a random shot and hoped it would take him out. and it did, but the RPG was now pointing in my direction, as it fired.

(Doc PoV)

"[DEATH.]" I screamed through the Comms as the RPG hit. I don't know where as It was all getting fuzzy. "[I need to pull out, it's too hot.]" Jager said as we started lifting off. "[No we can't leave him.]" I said moving into the cockpit. "[Fucking land us right now.]"

"Doc, he can't, if he does we all die." Tachanka said from behind. I just looked down in sadness, I knew it was the truth, but I didn't want to accept it.

I just sat down and started to tend to Yumiko's and Zofia's wounds. The Flight back was awkward. As we landed Six was waiting with a team of medics and 4 Stretchers. We only needed two. Me and Tachanka helped Yumiko and Zofia onto the stretchers and I followed the medics back to the infirmary.

(Tachanka PoV)

"Where's Death?" Six asked, I looked back at Marius, in hopes he could answer, he just closed the Helicopter door with him on the inside. "He's gone Six. MIA but a very high chance he is KIA." I said, moving past her. I couldn't bare it. Misfits was now two, it went from an army of 6, to an army of 3. And now its an army of 2. Fucks sake.

"Alex, Where's Y/n?" I heard from behind me, I knew it was Ela but I couldn't look at her. "MIA Ela. He's gone." I said with tears in my eyes, I turned to see Ela almost crying, I opened my arms and she rushed into a hug. We stayed there for a bit before I moved over to his Dorm. I knew Sarah would be there but what about Meghan. How can we tell her?

(Ghost PoV)

I woke up in a hospital bed, not knowing what the fuck happened but I did notice my missing arm. "What the fuck?" I said as I lifted up the bandaged nub. A doctor ran in when she noticed I was up.

"Hello? Can you hear me? How do you feel?" She asked. "I can hear you, and to be honest I feel weird, I can still feel the arm there although it's ...... gone." I responded. She nodded, "You are lucky to be alive, you have been out for a week. A team of JTF2 forces brought you here, after battling with a terrorist threat."

"I need to get back, my team-" she cut me off. "Your team doesn't know you are alive, for you are a very wanted man. The terrorist known as the White Masks have ordered multiple hits on you. Right now you are safe, when you are back at full fighting capacity you can go." She said, I looked sad. "Can they at least know I am alive?" I asked, she shook her head, "For the safety of you and everyone else in this hospital, no."

(1 month Later)

I woke up with my new arm, Cybernetic. They amputated the rest of my arm, so the cybernetics is now from the shoulder to the hand. It feels weird, because I can still feel like I'm touching things with the hand.

"There's some fancy new Technology there, Cybernetic program. It's been reinstated due to the rise of the terrorist threat. Although it's not as advanced as it's old one." The Doctor said walking into the room. "You should be able to leave soon." I was quite happy. "Also, Six knows you are here."

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