two- 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘩𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸:

"so obviously this is the front of the school, everyone usually chills out here until the opening bell rings" he says pointing to where me and my sister came in from.

"wait can i see your schedule so i know where to show you more of." he says. "of course, here you go," i say handing my schedule to him, i haven't even peeked at it yet, oops.

"oh shit we have all classes together, that's dope" he says with a bright smile. "really? phew i thought i was gonna be a loner" i say pretending like i was wiping off sweat from my forehead. he starts laughing with me, i can already see a bond forming with him.

"oh yeah just a little warning we have some of my friends in our classes and let's just say, if you get annoyed easily, i'm sorry" he says. "don't worry, i have a younger sister nothing's worse then her," i say letting out a chuckle. we all know younger siblings can be a pain in the ass. he goes on to show me around the rest of the campus.

the opening bell rings, kairi leads me to our first period which is math. we walk into the class together and as soon as i stepped foot into the class all eyes were on me. i could feel everyone's eyes staring at me, i didn't face the class, knowing me i would turn red as hell.

"so you're our new student! welcome to passaic valley, would you mind introducing yourself?" the teacher asks me. "sure! my names savannah rodriguez and i moved here from texas" i say trying my best not to look at the class. "welcome to our class savannah, we're glad to have you here. your seat will be right next to mattia, mattia can you raise your hand please?" he says asking the boy. i get a glance of the boy and let me just say he was really cute.

i walk over and sit down in my seat, separating from kairi. kairi sits in the very back of the class meanwhile i sit in the front of the class, i'm guessing he sits next to one of his friends because they seem to be getting along well.

"well let's get started class" the teacher says, and he starts to guide me through everything they've covered in the past month.

the class went by faster than i expected it to go, there was 6 more minutes before the next bell rang for us to be dismissed to our second period. as i'm putting my backpack on, the boy i sit next to, mattia i think it was? comes up to me.

"oh hey it's the new girl, what's up i'm mattia" he says chuckling a bit. i hated being called the new girl but for him, i'll let it slide.

"yup that's me the new girl" i say awkwardly. really savannah you had to fuck it up didn't you, i thought to myself.

"kairi was telling me you guys got all your classes together?" he asked me, i nodded my head. "well you're in luck because i have all my classes with you guys" he says.

i start to speak but kairi interrupts us, "really mattia, you're already trying to get at her, she just got here" he said giving mattia a slap on the neck.

"kairi you're 5'4 shut up" he said returning a slap on the neck.

i try my best not to laugh at mattias comment, one of kairis friends comes up to us.

"hi i'm alvaro" he says introducing himself to me.

"mattia, do the slat sign real quick for tiktok" he says putting his phone in front of mattias face.

"you guys do that too?" i say putting a hand over my face.

"yessirr, i'm the slat king what do you except" he says giving me a duh look.

"you're the what now?" i say giving all of them a confusing look.

"wait do you have tiktok?" they all ask me, i shake my head no. literally not kidding when i say all of them jumped.

"did i miss something or" i say, now i'm really confused. i mean i knew what tiktok was i just never really had the time to see what it was about.

"here let me pull up our accounts real quick" mattia says grabbing his phone and opening tiktok.

"these are our accounts, i guess you can say we're somewhat famous" he says pointing towards the phone screen.

"oh my gosh you have 1m? that's crazy. all of you guys have over 100k that's wild." i say giving them a shocked look.

"we basically got popular because of our looks, mostly mattia and alejandro got more followings, which you'll see next period" kairi says.

"woah that's so crazy" i say still in shock over learning this.

the bell finally rang, we all walked together to the next class.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 / 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗂𝖺 𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖻𝗂𝗈Where stories live. Discover now