fourteen- 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬:

my heart was beating out of my chest, today will be the first time i see mattia since everything that went down on saturday. i don't know if i was ready to see him again, knowing me i'll forgive his ass in a second but i cant let that happen.

of course, i still have feelings for him and miss our relationship, it hurts not being with the person you loved. kairi and ale have been telling me to just let him explain what went down, basically his side of the story. i don't know if i was ready to even speak with him.

yesterday, i just tried to keep my mind off things like cleaning my room, which i never do, organizing my closet in colors. even my parents were shocked that i finally had the energy to organize, i haven't told them about anything yet. i don't want them to see mattia as the bad person until i hear the whole story and not base everything off of what i saw, i still wanted to give myself hope that he wasn't playing me.

the thing that hurt me the most is i thought jenna was actually trying to become friends, turns out she just wanted what i had. yeah what mattia did hurt me a lot but it hurts thinking you had a good friendship going and it turned out to be the complete opposite.

i was waiting in my car to leave, audrey was the last one out, like always. for being in her freshman year, she's been to more parties than ive been too, and i'm a junior. she doesn't like mattia at all right now considering i'm her sister and well... yeah. she didn't notice mattia or jenna going up to the room together, she was too busy with her group.

we arrive at school, the place i've been dreading to go back to. no one knows what happened on saturday between me and mattia, mattia hasn't put anything out on the media so i decided to keep everything private, knowing if everyone found out it would go on all the tea pages and start a bunch of unnecessary drama that the both of us don't need at the moment. we still had 10 minutes before the opening bell rang, audrey left with her group which means i was alone.

of course the only person that was at school was mattia. i saw him right next to the front door, trying not to look up at his eyes. there was no way i could avoid him, i had him in literally all my classes. i stood next to the flight of stairs and payed attention to my phone screen, trying not to look up at anywhere else.

the opening bell had rang, i had to walk past mattia since he was at the front door. i quickly walked past him, trying to focus on my phone. kairi and everyone else usually get to first period late, so i couldn't depend on being with them every morning. am i gonna have to deal with this for the rest of the year?

i was the first person to get to class, i sat in my seat and put my backpack on my lap. i don't know if it was a weird habit or not but i never put my backpack on the floor, it's always on my lap or on the back on my seat, weird right. with my luck, mattia came in right after me. leaving just me, him and our teacher in the class. everyone gets here right when the bell rings, no one is early to first period.

i had my airpods in which distracted me from the awkward tension in the air. i made the biggest mistake looking up, we made eye contact for a quick second then the both of us put our head down. he looked hurt, nothing ever impacted him like this. eyes were swollen and red, you can tell he felt like shit. usually he's the most happiest and goofiest person in the class, today he was a whole different person. i just wanted to be in his arms again, wanted everything to go back the way it was, this was hurting the both of us badly. i just needed to know what the fuck went down when i left.

kairi ran into class, of course, late. he looked over at me, giving me a slight smile, i returned one back to him. sunday, he saw me go through my worst point, leaving his hoodie stained from my tears. the teacher resumed back to teaching the class, from the corner of my eye i see mattia look over at me but then quickly look back at the board. i missed him, his hugs, his lips, everything about him. crazy how much things can change in a matter of an hour.

the day was going okay until it was time for lunch, kairi pulled me to our table, knowing i didn't want to be around mattia. he gestured for me to sit in the empty seat next to him, i looked around, yep i don't know anyone. i took a seat, quickly pulling out my phone so i could distract myself from everything. the boys were talking amongst each other, mattia stayed quiet, which was rare considering it was mattia. has it really impacted him this bad?

i was distracted from my thoughts when my phone buzzed, notifying me i got a text message.

meet me outside in the patio, i need to talk to you.

SHES FINALLY GONNA FIND OUT AND THEN THEY GET BACK TOGETHER. jk jk, it's gonna be a couple more chapters before that 😔 BUT TYSM FOR 7K READS AHHHH, i literally suck at writing but i love u guys so much bye. also sorry for being inactive, winter break is coming up which means finals eww. i have a bio and math test tm which i'm gonna fail so i'm kinda stressing but yeah okay bye guys i love you see you next chapter. <33

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