six- 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸:
A/N: ( throwing in a little change up for y'all ;)) )

"ALEEE," me and savannah both scream at alejandro, both of us bursting out laughing. the fans seemed to support our relationship, well i mean our friendship i guess, whatever we were.

i thought savannah would get more backlash because of that, our fans are mean when it comes to girls. when i mean, mean, i mean REALLY MEAN, they take things to next level shit.

i really liked savannah, yeah i've liked girls before, had girlfriends before but savannah's just different. that might seem so cheesy but it's the truth, my mood always goes up when i'm around her, i guess you can say she "hIts dIfFerEnt".

when we were cuddling, i just wanted to stay like that forever, i felt at home with her in my arms.
( yes i know he's at his house ah ha ha just go with it :p)

we knew the both of us had feelings towards eachother, we wanted to build a friendship before going into a relationship. but at this moment, i just wanted to call her mine. the boys suggested we watch disney + ( pretend like it came out before october )

of course they picked the good dinosaur, many compare me to the dinosaur arlo. i mean i could see where they're coming from, it was funny to me.

savannah giggled as the movie started, she knew the joke surrounding me and this movie. i smiled at her, the both of us making eye contact, but she focused her eyes back on the movie.

"you guys are cute but disgusting since that's my sister," audrey says giving us a disgusted look. i bring savannah closer to me and wrap my arms around her, making audrey and savannah laugh.

"stop being in love and watch the movie" ale says throwing popcorn at us which he had just made. i grab the popcorn piece and throw it back at him, hitting him right in the eye, everyone starts laughing except ale. he just holds his eye and turns back to the movie, minding his own business.

everyone eventually dozed off watching the movie, i was the first to wake up. savannah was still huddled in my arms, i got up just a little to see where everyone was still sleeping.

i grabbed my phone from my nightstand, seeing all my comments coming in asking about me and savannah. "fuck it" i thought, i took a picture of savannah and me cuddling. i posted it on my story tagging savannah with the caption being " 🖤" .

i already was getting notifications from fans reposting it and responding to the story so i turned it off. savannah's phone started blowing up with notifications which caused her to wake up.

she saw what i posted, giving me a smile.

" okay that pictures really cute send it right now ugly also should i post" she asks me.

" um is that even a question, duh you should post" i say to her, making her smile at me.

"i can hear you guys" alejandro says, giggling a bit. he gets up and jumps onto the bed, right in the middle of me and savannah.

"really ale, you had to ruin me and my boyfriends cuddling moment" sav says giving him a small slap on the head.

"WOAHHH, BOYFRIEND??" he says looking at me with widened eyes.

"i mean- uh- IT WAS A JOKE" savannah says, her face getting redder by the second.

the both of us start laughing at her, which makes her even redder. she still looked hot even when she was a tomato.

everyone eventually woke up.
"we should probably get going, it's getting late and i need to study for the stupid math test tomorrow" savannah says reminding me and kairi to study.

"oh shit i forgot about that, yeah we should probably go." kairi says getting his shoes on.

"awe man, you're just gonna leave me" i say to savannah, giving her doggy eyes. she laughs at me,

"i'll see you tomorrow morning crybaby" she says putting her shoes on and grabbing her keys.

"bye bae" she says giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. i hold my cheek in awe,

" did savannah rodriguez just give me a kiss on the cheek, i'm never washing my cheek ever again" i squeal making everyone laugh.

we all say bye to each other.

they all hop into savannah's car, i blow a kiss towards savannah. she catches it but throws it out the car, making the both of us giggle. they yell bye and they head off.

i really am a lucky man.

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