fifteen- 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄:

i felt like shit, for the past day i haven't did anything. i haven't stepped out of my room, ate, i haven't even texted any of the boys. the boys stayed late saturday night to help me out with cleaning my place up, hiding the evidence of the party. alvaro, roshaun, and robert were left clueless, they didn't know what happened between me and savannah.

it was the night before monday, i would be seeing savannah for the first time since yesterday. i didn't know what to do, i want to talk to her during lunch but i doubt she'll even sit at our table. i've never been this hurt before, there was nothing i could do, i caused every single bit of this.

i set my alarm early so i could be there at school earlier than usual, i doubt she'll be there early right?

it was the next morning, i sighed knowing i would have to be doing this for the rest of the week. i didn't have the energy to find a outfit so i just threw on a hoodie and sweats. i haven't been posting on any of my social medias, leaving my fans to wonder what happened or if i was okay. i wanted to keep everything off the internet, there was no reason for the internet to know about this. it would be blown up on tea pages and unnecessary drama will start up which i didn't need right now.

i looked in the mirror, scared of my own reflection. i looked horrible, my eyes were swollen and red from crying so much, i look sleep deprived, i just looked bad in general. i tried my best to tidy myself up but i still looked like a mess.

i hopped in my car, taking a big breath in. i dont know if i was ready to see her, i hurt her. we had the perfect relationship and i had to fuck everything up like always.

i wasn't ready to go back to school, having to deal with all the work, all the teacher shit. i've been really negative these past days, savannah always brought positivity my way with her smile and just her energy she brings inside the room.

i go to school earlier than usual, i went up the stairs and leaned on the wall right next to the front doors. as i was pulling my phone out, i see a familiar car pull into the parking lot. savannah's. of course, the day i come early, she comes early. i looked away quickly, hoping she didn't notice me looking. i heard footsteps reach the other side of the stairs, i looked up and there she was.

i missed her so damn much. she looked so hurt and i didn't want to admit i was the reason why, but i was. i needed to explain to her everything, my side of the story but i doubt she'll even be near me. i know she's not gonna forgive me quick, or even think about being back together but i just needed to let her know the whole thing. it hurts me knowing we might never be back together as a couple, or even friends.

the bell had finally rang, longest 10 minutes of my life. i saw her walk past me, she was trying her hardest to not acknowledge my presence. her eyes were stuck to her phone screen, scrolling through her twitter.

when i walked into my first period class, i saw that savannah was the only one there. how fucking perfect, of course we would be the only ones early. i went over to my seat and sat down, trying not to peal my eyes off of my phone. there was an awkward tension in the air between me and savannah, the both of us felt it. as minutes went by, more and more students came rushing in. of course, kairi was the last one to arrive and late.

the next classes weren't as bad, only awkward thing was savannah was hanging with kairi, and well i was hanging out with him too so he was our barrier when we were walking to our next classes. although, it didn't help since we were both taller than him.

it was finally lunch time, i headed over to our table with ale and waited for the rest of the boys. to my surpise, savannah stayed at our table but was distanced from us, sitting right next to kairi. i caught myself staring at her, admiring everything i missed.

i finally built up the courage to do something i've been waiting to do.

𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗹𝘂𝘃 🤍

meet me outside in the patio, i need to talk to you.

A/N: i'm gonna start transitioning povs so that way you can get more info on the story yk? also TYSM FOR 8K READS AND FOR ALL THE VOTES <3 this book is getting somewhere which i didn't think would happen at all. n e wayz hope you guys had a great day

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 / 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗂𝖺 𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖻𝗂𝗈Where stories live. Discover now