Contest Bliss

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*Red's P.O.V.*

I got up early in the morning and headed to the Cerulean City gym. I had just as much an easier job at defeating Misty just as Green did with our electric types. Yellow won't stop following me everywhere, though. I need to tell her that I am in love with Leaf! But how?

I dressed in my Pikachu suit to match Leaf's dress. Green let her borrow Pichu and she had trained with it all morning for this contest. Leaf's mother was more than eager to watch our performance. She could not stop telling Leaf and I how cute we were.

Sometimes I feel like she could be my own mom because of how similar mine used to be.

"Do I have to go?" Blue whined.

"Contests are so boring!"

"Don't you want to support your friends?" Leaf's mother asked her. Blue suddenly remembered Leaf's mom was here.

"Of course! I just don't want to watch the other boring coordinators; I just want to see my Red. Oh! And my Leafy!"

"Oh really?" I could tell she was catching onto Blue's charades. "And who's the new girl? I could've sworn there was four of you..."

"How the fuck should I know!" Blue muttered.

"Excuse me?"

Blue corrected herself with,"How the fudge should I know?"

"Oh! I'm Yellow! I met Red yesterday! He's my soul mate!"

"Really? How fascinating! But I do believe that Red doesn't know you too well, correct?"

"I guess not. But we kissed yesterday! It was so romantic!" My cheeks burned. Yellow is starting to get on my nerves!

"One day, we'll get married and have like twelve kids!"

Leaf's mother laughed awkwardly. "I don't think you're going to want that many when that time comes..."

"And why not?"

"How old are you?"

"Fifteen. Why."

"Let me just say birth isn't the most painless thing to perform..."

"Why? While I lived in Viridian Forest for fourteen years, Pokemon lay their eggs quick and without any sign of pain. Why can't I just lay twelve eggs and be done with it?"

We all stared at Yellow. The experienced mother answered,

"Because it doesn't work that way."

"Why doesn't it work that way?"

"Now, listen. I'm not here to give you an education on the Pidgey and the Beedrill..."

"What do Pidgey and Beedrill have to do with this?"

Leaf's mother opened the door to our room. "Let's get going, we don't want to be late for my Leafy's contest!"
We followed her, ready to leave such an in depth discussion with such an innocent girl...

*Leaf's P.O.V.*

The Contest Hall looked much different than the one in Viridian City. It was larger and was the shape of a dome. The magnificent architecture was constructed of manila stone and several fountains of water Pokemon surrounded the structure. This hall was indeed fancier than Viridian City's.

I was the first to perform. We had decided to do something simple yet adorable. Pichu used thunder on itself, fired a thunder wave, and did a quick attack into the air which made a spectacular light show. While in the air, Pichu used thunder once more, except this time she fired the bolts of electricity in circles on the ground. When she made it back to the ground, she posed with her paws on her small pink shekels and a smile.

Red performed soon after I had. He again used his Pikachu for this contest. Pikachu hope off his shoulder on the stage and started his choreography.

The mouse used quick attack to dash around the arena, frequently using thunder wave to make the illusion that he was running much faster. While he ran, a large thunderbolt fired on him. Pikachu was now in the air looking very tough inn the stream of electricity.
Once the bolt was gone, Pikachu fell to the ground, landing on its four paws without trouble. He posed by flexing its adorable muscles on his front paws.

After many more contestants showcased their acts, the judges announced those going to the next round. Red and I were called. We would be continuing on!

Through the tournament, we both battled with all of our strength, which brought both of us to the finals of this contest.

*Red's P.O.V.*

"Are you ready to lose?" Leaf asked with her voice full of confidence.

I was going to let her win, but I can't tell her that. She would be crushed! She'd hate me! I can't let that happen! All I want is for her dream to came true. She wants to be top coordinator of Kanto, and that's what she'll become!

"Nope," I responded like a good rival would, "because you're going down!"

Leaf and I met on the stage. I whispered to Pikachu, instructing him to go easy on Pichu and to eventually let her win the battle. He signed that he understood and hopped onto the field.

*Leaf's P.O.V.*

"Pichu, use a quick attack!" Pichu did as I commanded and hit Pikachu. Pikachu went for a quick attack.

"Pichu, spin out of the way an use attract!" Pichu dodged Pichu's attack with a twirl, causing Red to lose points. Pichu the sent a kiss to Pikachu, attracting him into infatuation and confusion. "Pichu! Quick attack!" Pichu tackled Pikachu. Red's mouse toppled over, fainting. I won!

Red and I shook hands before I was awarded my Cerulean City contest ribbon. I was two one step closer to living my dream.

I have never seen Mom so proud. I felt so good inside when she hugged me in congratulation. I am going to become top coordinator of all of Kanto!

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