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*Blue's P.O.V.*

Since Yellow had her whole emotional outburst an hour ago, Red kept his face depressed with a big frown and sappy eyes. Red had been training his Weedle with Leaf's Caterpie, which had earlier evolved into a Metapod. Red seemed desperate to keep his mind off Yellow. Leaf and Yellow are just two sluts that just want to get my men all up in them.

"Weedle, use poison sting on Metapod!"

"Metapod, use your string shot to counter the needles!"

As the poison barbs were about to hit the chrysalis Pokemon, it's string shot had caught the attack with its sticky quality and sent them back at Weedle. Both Pokemon began to glow a blinding white. They were evolving!
Metapod broke out of its shell as a beautiful butterfly. Butterfree was a beautiful Pokemon now. Weedle, on the other hand, became an ugly Kakuna. It was a gold color, but it was as dull as the stupid Metapod!

"Yay!" Leaf cried. "I have a Butterfree now! I can use her at my contest in Lavender Town!"

Green sighed. "Do we have to go there?"

"Yeah! I need to get a ribbon in Vermillion City and Lavender Town. With one more ribbon after that, I'm guaranteed a spot into the Grand Festival!"

"Well I guess I'm not going to see you're contest there then..."

"Why are you being such a downer?" Red said, at a volume almost at mute.

"Like you're one to talk. You've been upset ever since that Yellow girl left." Green wiped his finger across his left eye. "At least my sorrow is realistic..."

"What is it?" I asked, actually eager to know.

"It's just that my family's Raticate had passed away a few years ago, and the Pokemon Tower is a burial place located in Lavender Town..."

Blue seemed to have feelings. Something I find sexy in a man! Wouldn't you think a man who has emotions is way more attractive than a plain boring one who thinks all they need to do is be a man. I thought so.

"That sounds really sad," Leaf murmured loud enough for us to hear. She actually started to cry. "Now th-that I think about it, I, I-I had my Nidoran buried there when it died w-when I was i-in preschool." She had stuttered in between breaths.

Green put his arms around the sobbing girl. "It's okay," he comforted Leaf. "You don't need to be so sad." Leaf buried her face in his chest, probably feeling his muscles. What a slut. Green's face was stained scarlet. He liked it! Red didn't seem to like this. He looked rather jealous of him. You could tell by the adorable pout on his face. I couldn't help but giggle at Red's cute face.

"What?" Red had caught on to me.

"Oh, nothing." I kept laughing at him.
Leaf left Green's arms and walked over to Butterfree, who was flapping her majestic wings in the air. "You look so beautiful, Butterfree," she complimented her newly evolved Pokemon. Now that she had evolved a Pokemon, that makes me the last to actually evolve mine, which I hadn't. I started to feel left out.

"Blue, what's wrong?" Green noticed I was down.

"Oh, nothing," I lied.

"Tell me," he put his hands on my waist, "or I'll tickle you until is hear the truth!"

"I'm not ticklish!" I shouted playfully. He immediately started to tickle the crap out of me. I laughed hysterically.

*Green's P.O.V.*

Blue had such a cute laugh that I couldn't help but laugh too. It was contagious! "Green! Ha! STOP! Ha! HA! GREEN!"

*Leaf's P.O.V.*

Green looked cute with Blue. He's such a sweet guy. Is it possible that I'm starting to like him just as much as Red? He does like me, and he shows it off like some award, but Red never really said he loves me. Green has though. And that's probably why...

*Red's P.O.V.*

Why can't I be as confident as Green. He goes after anyone he likes. He's a predator. Maybe I should say 'predator', but he perseveres when he wants someone to like him. I wish I could just swoop Leaf off her feet and carry her off as my wife. Why can't she just love me back? I hate myself. Yellow hates me. And why wouldn't she? I was such a jerk to her. All I wanted was to be friends with her, but I can't even do that right. Why can't I just die?

Pokemon; A Kanto Adventure {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now