The Cold Truth

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*Red's P.O.V.*
We said farewell to Erika and Koga and went well on our way to Cinnabar Island in search of the next Gym. Green and I needed just two more badges to enter the Pokemon League, and Blue, this was to be her final. Because of the mishap in Celadon, Leaf's contest was cancelled, so we headed back to Saffron. Yellow decided to follow us on our little trip and we rode out bikes back to our last location.
"So, how are we planning on getting there?" Yellow held tight on my shirt. "There's a sea between the island and the mainland."
"We have birds," Green suggested.
"Yeah," Leaf jumped in excitement, "I can fly on my new Articuno!"
We stopped our bicycles and looked at Blue. She held the master ball that Leaf obtained in Saffron City. An argument was soon to emerge.
"'Your' Articuno?" Blue asked fiercely. "Last I checked, I caught it!"
"I was about to catch it when the head of Team Rocket took me down." Leaf had remembered not to say 'Giovanni' in front of Yellow. "I thought you caught it for me?"
"Ha!" Blue snorted. She swooped her leg over the seat of her bike and let the mode of transportation fall to the ground. She took a few steps towards Leaf. With a shove, Blue sent Leaf to the ground. Leaf howled a bit from the scrapes Blue added to her body. "You think we're friends still? Ha! Ever since I heard Red's sexy voice, I haven't been able to keep my hands off him! You think I'd let a little tramp
Like you get in my way! Ha!"
I felt Pikachu grip tighter to my head. He sensed something was going to happen. I wanted to help Leaf, but I felt frozen. Stiff. Immobalized.
Blue then went to Yellow, who quickly hopped off her bike.She didn't want to suffer the same fate as Leaf. Blue cackled. "And you," Blue shouted, shoving the blonde back a bit, "stay away from Red. And stop being such a slut!"
"Enough!" I felt myself say. "Blue, that Articuno is Leaf's and you know it!"
Blue stared at me, frightened. But she soon laughed hysterically.
"So what if it is? What difference does it make? I caught it fair and square!"
"She's right," Leaf bawled. She sat herself in her knees and cried. "I'm such a horrible person for wanting that Pokemon to be mine..."
"No!" Green retaliated. "I'm not going to listen to this bullshit!" He threw his bike to the dirt trail. He stomped over to Blue and planted his lips on hers. His mouth soon cupped over her mouth. He was probably using his tongue to lure her in. He pulled away.
"What was that for?" Blue said in shock.
"That was to get you to give Leaf that goddamn Pokemon back. You know for a fact that it's hers!"
Blue tossed the ball to Leaf. "Here," Blue muttered, "I didn't want it anyways."
Leaf released the blue bird from the capsule. The ice Pokemon cooed and nuzzled its respective trainer. I gushed inside at the proud feeling. Leaf truly was a great trainer.
"Let's ride!" Green shouted, sending out Moltres. "Leaf on Articuno, Blue can ride with me and Yellow can ride Zapdos with Red..."
"But what about our bikes?" Yellow worried.
Green put his index finger on his chin and thought for a moment. He finally answered with, "We pack 'em in the trunks!" We gave him confused stares. "We use Beedrill's string shot to attach the bikes to our birds..."
We nodded in understandment, followed instruction, and flew off.

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