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SUN: Is it recording?
: Yep! I can see you on the screen!
: Okay! What prank shall we do?
: Ooh, I know. We can prank Hyunok
: Good idea!

— Everyone agreed on their target KUN HYUNOK

: But what prank through?
: Since we know Hyunok has a big crush on ⑥-
: *Gasps* I got it!
: Here we go again with Miyun planning shit.

— ⑨ slaps ④ playfully on the arm

: Woah, hang in there sis. It's true.
: Wow, y'all roasting me before I even said my plan!
: Well say it then I don't have all day.
: Okay so ⑥ is going to write a note saying she should come into a bedroom then, everyone hides in the bedroom anywhere and Taehyung will be out "Confessing" to her and then we jump out and say "YOU GOT PRANKED!"

: Girl, that is the worst-

— Everyone interrupted ② as everyone (except for ① and ②) agreed.

: , would you start writing the-
: Wait, I feel like it's gonna affect her. Like she gonna just feel upset or something.
: Come on Joon, It's just a prank.
: Yeah, lighten things up!
: Yeah, I honestly disagree with this prank! Sun?
SUN: Huh?
: Would you even allow this? I mean it's your sister.

— Sun glances over to ⑨ and back at ②

SUN: I- I would.
: See, It's just a prank...
: A prank?! Na, I'm out.

— ① stood up and went to the door and left the room.

: Calm down, it's not like she's gonna kill herself or anything.
: Why are you pushing it?
: Okay! Fine! If you disagree with this,leave! Gosh, ②
: We literally can't do anything without arguing.

— ② sat with a shocked expression he cannot believe what he is hearing right now. What toxicity! He got up and left the room with ①.

: I don't know why Sun even agreed to it.

— The door closes with a creek everyone is silent, Sun has head hanged low with regret maybe she could have left the room. ⑨ took a sigh and continued.

: Okay, ⑥ can you write a note to her?

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