13. Trapped

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Author's note

Hello everyone this is the second to last chapter. Thank you all for reading! 🥰😊❤️


A few minutes later, there was a nock on the door, "Can we come in?" Emre asked.

"Yes, yes of course,"Can responded. Everyone came in, Nihat couldn't see Can in the eyes, "Baba you disappointed me, I understand it wasn't the best circumstances in the world, but it was my call and Can's call, not yours." She spoke softly and firmly.

"Sanem daughter I am so sorry! Please forgive me!" He knelt down by her side, "I was scared, mad, upset, frustrated, please daughter forgive me!"

Sanem wipes her tears, "Baba, you hurt me, you hurt Can, and this baby. I understand you and Anne didn't understood why I had forgiven him, but if I recall correctly he told you what happen."

"Yes he did, and I am very sorry for everything I told you, I am very sorry for everything I said and I am very sorry for all my actions."

Sanem looked at the baby traced her little face then she looked at Can who was sitting facing her and traced his face, smiled at him and then at the baby. "Baba, you want me to forgive you?"

"Yes, please Sanem I do. I have been living with a lot of regret these past couple of months, I have been living miserable since Can told me the truth. He hasn't forgiven me, buy I hope you do." He wiped his tears.

"Baba, I forgive you, the second you knelt down. But unfortunately, you need to proof it, because words don't mean anything to me. Not after everything that I have heard."

"I will, I will! I will proof the two of you how
Indignant I feel with myself." He looked at Can and Sanem, Can didn't look at him, but Sanem Semi smiled instead.

Everyone left and a few minutes later the nurse came in, "So have you figured out, what the baby's name?"


"Well, you said you wanted two names if we had two girls, and since I have no idea which one you wanted I waited for you."

"Oh my handsome boy! I love you."

"Me too, beautiful."

"So, because I didn't wanted to choose a name, the nurse explain that either way for the hospital the baby is baby Divit, but since we have to fill out all the papers to register her, well we have to choose a name."

"You know what?"

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"What would you like the baby's name to be?"

"Sanem." He responded solftly and with love. Sanem's eyes got watery and noded.

"I like it."

"Ok, looks like we have a name. Here are all the papers and make sure it says Sanem Divit, not Baby Divit." And they all smiled.

"Can filled out all the papers and have them to the nurse."

It has been three days since the surgery, Sanem and the baby were able to go home. She has been recovering marvoules since she woke up, and will be getting home care therapy, Can went to get the car while Sanem, the baby were waiting with the undercover 'nurse'. As Sanem was looking at the baby in her car seat she saw a car pull
Up infront of her. She brought her eyesight up and saw Can getting out if the car.

"Baby, what's this?"

"This my beautiful adorable sweetheart, is your new car. It's a 2019 Honda Odyssey, I got it with heated and leather seat, just in case if something ever spill it's easy to clean up, lots of space in the middle and in the back.

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