Spaghetti Cake

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W: stupid should be spelled with two i's instead of a u

D: wtf did you do

W: lmao that rhymes
D: so you tryna watch the minion movie

W: nah im straight

D: not for long

W: what

D: what
D: Roy was given salt instead of milk as a baby and it really shows

R: you must wanna get hurt
W: how did u get detention???

D: he called me salty so i called him a beach

W: dhdsjdjs I SEA what u did there

D: im shore u did

R: literally stop
W: lets only speak ominously until new years

D: if we live that long
W: evil olive spelled backwards is evil olive

R: what am I supposed to do with this information

D: whatever you have to.
D: Aflac

W: is that a threat

D: its a promise
W: u matter

W: unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light

W: then you're energy

D: this is just the kind of positivity i needed thank you
W: what's wrong with spaghetti cake?


D: This radiates the same energy as the sticky nut juice vine

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