Chapter 37

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Sorry for the late update and it will be kind of short but dram is on the way I promise 💙

"Heyyy how you feeling?" My doctor walked in

"Alot better thanks to the medicine" I smiled

Dave had his head in my lap rubbing my stomach

"Ok well the baby is fine you just have a bit of a round ligament stretch" he explained

"What's that?"

"Well your baby is sitting very heavily on top of your uterus pretty heavyily"he said

"How can she fix it?" Dave asked

"Just try doing yoga or something with a lot of bending at the waist"

"Ok thank you"

"No problem sweetheart just sing these papers and you'll be free to go"

Dave signed my discharge papers and I got dressed carefully and Dave helped me walk to the car

We were now finally on the way home




I was sitting on the plane while the twins rubbed my stomach

"Mommy hungry" Royalty said

"Ok baby were about to land can you wait?" I asked her

"Mhm" she nodded

Dave came from the bathroom and she ran to him like she hadn't seen him in years

"Mommy kiss" Kimg grabbed my face

I showered him in kisses

He giggles woke up Dwayne

King noticed him and Michael and got scared clinging on to me for dead life

"Baby baby calm down there good people they won't hurt you" I laughed

"Man yo big ass always scaring some kids" Michael laughed at Dwayne

These two seemed to always have have something to say to eachother

"Do yall always argue like this" I laughed

"Nah his big body ass jus think he scaring somebody" Michael said

"We not gone talk about what happened last week tho" Dwayne said


"Man cut it out you kno I was out of it" Michael stopped laughing

"Prepare for landing" the pilot came over the intercom

I put the twins in the seat next to me and Dave sat in the other side of us

1 hour later

We just made it back to dallas and for some odd reason paparazzi was all oveover my front lawn

"Dwayne can you clear them out please"

He hopped out the truck and went to work

Of course you had one bad ass threatening law suit but something tells me he doesn't care

I saw him snatch the man's camera smashing it on the ground into peices the guy kept arguing with him next thing you kno

He grabbed his collar and tossed him into the street

Michael opened the door for me and I stepped out

"Dwayne take it down a few I domt need any court dates" I laughed

We made it inside and Dave went to go meet the rest of the security team

I decided I needed to set up a yoga class to help with this ligament

I called around and found on in Arlington me and Dave we'll go tomorrow

Later that night
Dave just came in after dealing with the security

"Hey baby" he kissed me

"How'd it go?" I asked watching him undress

"Its all good we got a great team and the cameras are all up now" he grabbed a towel

"Can I join you" I asked playin with my fingers

"Yea come on"

We went in the bathroom and he helped me undress and into the shower

We got in and bathed eachother in silence

"Baby if you wash my stomach anymore it'll be white" I laughed

"My bad I just cant believe I missed this the first time" he chuckled

"Its ok I've forgiven you for it baby just be there for me through the rest" I kissed him

He looked like he had something heavy on his mind lately but I kno it's not that

He turned his back to me and I washed it before reaching around hugging him

I heard him sniffle

"Baby" I turned him to look at me

"What's wrong?" I turned off the water to see him crying

He just stared at me

I stepped out the shower and dryed off he did the same helping me get dressed

"Baby?" I raised his head so he could look up at me while he focused on lotioning my legs

"Come here" I told him

We got in bed together and he layed next to me with my legs wrapped around him

"Talk to me" I said while he just looked at me

"I love you so much Ariana" he told me

"Dave why are you saying this like something is gonna happen to you?" I asked with a voice full of worry

"You kno I got a past right? Well eventually the things you do catch up with you in the future whether you like it or not" he said

"What are you saying?" I sat up on the brink of tears

"Well we took care of Zack in new York and" He paused

"And what David" as tears threatened to burst out of my eyes at any moment

"They found his body" he stoped again

"How we threw him in a barrel of acid" I burst out crying

"There said to have been a witness" he said

"Nobody was there how is that possible" I broke down

"I dont kno but were gonna get this figured out soon enough baby I promise" he kissed me wiping my tears

"You promise Dave I cant got to jail I have 3 kids"

"We have 3 kids Ariana were gonna be fine" he told me

"Okay" I nodded trusting him

"Now come on and go to sleep I kno you probably starting yo yoga or whatever in the morning" he layed next to me as we got comfortable

"Correction we have yoga in the morning" I kissed his head

"What time" he groaned

"10" I turned over going to sleep

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