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I stepped back from my closet, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. Jungkook, Taehyung, and I were going to meet up with Ha-Jun at the airport. I wanted to choose an outfit that showed Ha-Jun that I grew up and was a different man. I got out a few clothes, changed into them, and did my morning routine. Once I finished I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, my phone, and I left for the airport.

 Once I finished I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, my phone, and I left for the airport

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After a long walk I made it to the airport. I entered the building and went to where Ha-Jun was supposed to be dropped off. As I walked to my destination I got a call from Jungkook.
"Hyung, we're at the airport, you didn't forget did you" Jungkook said. But I heard his voice through the phone and from somewhere around where I was, "No, I didn't forget!"
"Ask him where he is" Taehyung said from the background
"Hyung, where are you" Just as those words slipped out his mouth, I saw him standing with Taehyung in front of a hallway the passengers were supposed to come out of. I smirked, a plan forming in my head, "hold on, sorry one second!" I crept behind them, I put one hand over both of their mouths and pulled them back a little to trick them into thinking they were being kidnapped.

Taehyung ran behind Jungkook who stood in front of the younger to protect him. I laughed, "Aw! What a cute couple!" I kept laughing. "Not funny, Hyung!" Taehyung said, getting out from his hiding spot and hitting my shoulder playfully. "Damn Hyung, lookin' like a snacc" Jungkook said looking me up and down. I giggled, "I know, who could say no to this?"
"Definitely not Ha-Jun" Taehyung muttered, just loud enough for Jungkook and I to hear. "See! Even Taehyungie thinks he likes you!"
I rolled my eyes, "key word: thinks"
"Okay Hyung, think whatever you want" Jungkook said smiling, "But he was around when I had a giant crush on Taehyung, and you said 'if you don't tell him then he's gonna find someone else and you'll never have a chance'"
"He told you that too?" Taehyung asked to Jungkook, who responded with a smile and him pulling Taehyung closer by the waist.

I was used to them being cute so I continued with the conversation, "But the thing is I'm taken! Even if he had a chance he lost it!"
"Oh yeah you're with the rapper and the dance teacher" Jungkook said, "still a little offended that you didn't tell me..." he muttered but clearly wanting to be heard.
"I'm sorry Kookie! I didn't get a chance to!" I felt guilty.
"It's okay but you owe me food now" he said with a smile
"Okay okay..." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh Hyung look what we made!" Taehyung said holding up a notebook with the word "Ha-Jun" written in bold with little doodles and stickers around it. "Aw! It's so cute!" I said looking at it closely, admiring the little details, "let's take a picture! Hold it up!" I got out my phone and held it up as they got into position.

I snapped the picture and showed it to the couple. They smiled and I sent it to Ha-Jun

Ha-Jun!! We're waiting!! We can't wait to see you

Almost there, Jiminie baby!! Can't wait for my hug (//∇//)

"CaN't WaIt FoR mY hUg, JiMiNiE bAbY!!!!" Jungkook shouted mockingly skipping around. I laughed, "you're full of it!" I said jokingly.

"Plane 53 passengers are arriving now"

"That's him! That's him!" I said jumping up and down in response to the lady who spoke through the intercom. Us three and other people crowded around the hallway in a line.

People started pouring out of the hallway, some smiling when they saw their loved ones, and others searching for someone. I was nervous, but I was trying to show Ha-Jun I was a man, so I kept my cool.

Then I saw him. His black hair was longer, he had it pushed back by a headband. He had a jaw line and his features were very sharp, and he was... hot. I shook my head, no thinking like that, Jimin-ah! You have Yoongi and Hoseok Hyung!

"HA-JUN!!!!" Taehyung and Jungkook yelled, bringing the attention to us. Ha-Jun smiled and fast walked over to us. I gave a cool smile, like it wasn't a big deal that he was here, good thing I had my sunglasses on so no one could see my excitement. He let go of his luggage and ran towards me, he lifted me in a hug and spun me around. We both laughed together.

Apparently Jungkook and Taehyung gave each other a look that said "of course" but poor Hoseok and Yoongi. If I would've known that they were there. Maybe. Just maybe. Things would be different.

Ha-Jun put me down, he smiled at me. He reached for my glasses and pulled them off. His smile widened, "Jiminie baby, your so beautiful" I blushed, "Thanks Ha-Junnie!"

"Ahem!" Jungkook fake coughed. "Oh my God! Jungkook!" Ha-Jun said intertwining our hands and looked Jungkook up and down, "Damn, you've been working out!?"
Jungkook smirked. "Oh no don't get him started" Taehyung said rolling his eyes. "Taehyung! Oh wow your hair looks so good!" Ha-Jun said, smiling. "Thank you!" Taehyung responded.

"Your bag is rolling away" I said with a giggle. Ha-Jun gasped and grabbed his bag. "Okay, let's head out!" I said as I walk with Ha-Jun still holding my hand. We got a lot of looks that day, some of them were very judge mental, but I didn't notice because I had my old friend with me! And nothing could've gone wrong.

All three of us decided to celebrate our friends arrival by hanging out at my place. As we arrived at my place Ha-Jun spoke up, "Let's get some beer and celebrate!"
"Hell yeah!" Jungkook cheered
"Yeah let's do it" said Taehyung exitedly
"Just like High School" Ha-Jun said as everyone left to raid a beer store.


"NoOoOoOoO~" I yelled
"Be quiet Hyung! We all know you are a short, short beannnnn~" Taehyung yelled. Taehyung and I have always have had a hard time with drinking. Jungkook and Ha-Jun though, it takes a lot for them to get stupid drunk like Taehyung and I were, but they were drunk. We all were. We all were crazy drunk.

As we were laughing our drunken heads off, I felt something vibrate on my ass. I was getting a call

Yoongi Hyung

I answered it. "Yoongles!"
"Yoongles! I'm gonna call you Yoongles now! Yoongles! Yoongles!!~" laughed drunkenly in the phone
"Jimin? Jimin are you alright?" Hoseok asked from the phone
"Hoseokie!!! Hoseok you're so prettyyyyy~ My pretty little squirrel!!" Everyone laughed
"A squirrel? What the fuck-?"
"Jimin you're drunk, where are you?" Yoongi asked interrupting Hoseok Hyung
"I'm at my houseeee!! Ha-Jun is hereee! He looks really niceeeee, sooooo hottttt, jUST like you yoonglessssssssss~"

There was silence. "You think I'm hot Jiminie baby~" Ha-Jun said smirking. I giggled, "Maybee~"
"Jimin. We're coming over." Yoongi Hyung said firmly
"Yayyyyyy~ I misssss youu twoo!! I want you to holdd meee!"
"Jimin, don't do anything stupid." Hoseok said
"You're not my daddddddyyyyy!"

And with that they hung up. "Meaniessss!" I yelled into my phone, "give me moreee!!!" I said making grabby hands for the beer bottles, which were happily provided.

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