Bangtan + 1

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"This is fucking humiliating" Taehyung said as Jungkook pulled the handle on the little wagon for children they had at the mall. Everyone laughed except Taehyung who was pouting. "Hyung, how are you not hurting like I am" Taehyung said whining
"I'm not sure. Maybe it was the pills?"
"But I took them too!!"
"It said that people our age had to take two, did you take two?"

We all laughed again. "Smile for the camera Taehyungie!" Ha-Jun said pulling out his phone and taking a video. "Fuck you." Taehyung said to the camera. We all broke out into laughter again and Ha-Jun stopped recording and put his phone back in his pocket.

"What store first?" Jungkook asked stopping. "Gucci!" Taehyung said excitedly
"Taehyung, we all know that all of our money combined could not afford a single sock from that place" I said laughing
"But isn't that the point of shopping! Seeing things you want but can't afford!"
"You right! Let's go then!" I said pointing to the direction the store was in.

We all started our walk to the store. As we were approaching the extremely fancy looking store we heard a familiar voice "Jimin! Jungkook! Tae?" We all turned around to see Seokjin Hyung with interlocked hands with a man in a mask and a black hood pulled over his head. As Seokjin jogged up to us while dragging the man behind him we got a better look. "Oh! Hey Seokjin Hyung! Hey Namjoon Hyung!" Namjoon smiled at us but we could only see his eyes squint.

"Why is Taehyung in a wagon?"
"Hangover" All three of us said in unison
"Okay that's creepy" Seokjin Hyung said, "Did you guys drink? Who are you?" Seokjin Hyung looked at Ha-Jun
"Oh I'm Ha-Jun! Nice to meet you!" He bowed low
"Ah..." Seokjin Hyung gave a look to Namjoon Hyung which he returned under his mask. It seemed no one else saw this gesture except me.

Namjoon Hyung has always been such a help to me. To when I found the phone and all the way back when I had trouble at home. He would always give me advice that always seemed to work out in the end. Namjoon Hyung had never met Ha-Jun before, so if his first impression is that something's up, maybe something really is. I told myself that I would ask him about his feelings towards Ha-Jun later.

"So Taehyung's in a wagon and Jungkook is pulling him. So I take everything is okay?" Oh that's right. He didn't know that they were okay again "Yeah everything's good! It was just some crazy girl"
"This random girl confessed her undying love for me and forced a kiss, Taehyung saw it and misunderstood" Jungkook said casually as he ruffled his boyfriends hair, then Jungkook gasped "Oh my God! It's just like an anime! Oh no, you don't think she was a yandere do you!?"
"Jungkook, yanderes aren't real" Taehyung said rolling his eyes. Jungkook laughed and kissed his boyfriends forehead.

"Oh speaking of couples!" Jin Hyung said holding up his hand intertwined with Namjoon Hyung's, who was currently covering his face with the other hand to hide his blush. All of us except Ha-Jun squealed "CALLED IT CALLED IT!!!" I yelled attracting attention to us.

"Okay okay! Let's go into this store-"
"ChimChim?" Someone said behind us, we all turned to see Hoseok Hyung and Yoongi Hyung walking up to us. "Oh hey Hyung" Namjoon said smiling under his mask and hood. Yoongi was wearing something similar. Yoongi Hyung had a black mask on and a bucket hat covering most of his face while Hoseok Hyung was wearing blue ripped jeans and a white button up.

I smiled at them and they smiled back. "You two again." I looked over to see Ha-Jun giving my boyfriends a death glare. They shifted their gaze from me to my friend. Tension was in the air, we could all feel it. I decided to step in front of the three, "Uh- We were just about to look around the Gucci store, heh. Uh- would you like to come?" I said hesitantly.

I didn't see Namjoon Hyung with a suspicious look on his face. Namjoon Hyung knew something was up.

Hoseok looked over at me with his beautiful heart smile, "We'd love to!" Yoongi stayed giving the death glare at Ha-Jun over my shoulder. "Awesome! L-Let's go..." I hesitantly grabbed Yoongi's hand, I'm not gonna lie, I was scared. The last time I've seen them with such a dark look was back at the movies. Yoongi Hyung looked down at my small hand touching his, "Fucking commit" he said looking up at me with a smile. He was joking of course because he pulled my arm to where I tripped forward, landing on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine.

"Y-You guys can go ahead of us. W-We'll catch up" I said from Yoongi Hyung's chest. I felt their presence leave, and just as I was about to hug Yoongi Hyung back I heard "Why are you still here." Come from Hoseok Hyung.

"I just feel like I should stay." Ha-Jun said. I turned around from Yoongi's chest so his arms were wrapped around my waist. Hoseok grabbed on of my hands as we stood across from Ha-Jun. "Oh, why's that?" Yoongi Hyung said. God, his voice. It was so full of anger. Yoongi Hyung squeezed my waist and Hoseok Hyung squeezed my hand.

"Because Jiminie and I made out last night. And he said I was his boyfriend."

Yandere Boyfriends | YoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now