My idiot.

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I'm too tired for authors notes so yeah enjoy~!


(edit: i went back and re wrote this so it was longer and better, i hope you enjoy!! p.s. i hate the word giggle now i saw how many times i had written it and i am DISGUSTED)

It had been a fairly normal day at school so far, but as everyone in high school knows;

Lunch is the turning point.

You were hanging out with your small group of friends, consisting of (bff/n), Mikasa, Armin, and soon-to-be Eren, once he got out of the lunch line. You weren't very sociable, and of course everyone gets anxious around new people, so your quaint group of friends (however tiny it was) made you content.

Everyone had just started eating lunch, talking about their mornings and chewing on their respective meals. It was quiet, and you were happy. The silence didn't last too long, though.

From behind you somewhere near the entrance to the cafeteria, you heard a loud crash and faint wheezing, along with some cackling. Probably Hanji. She shouted in a voice that almost echoed throughout the entire school,  "SHORTY HAS A CRUSH ON--MMPH!" and immediately after her outburst you heard shoes squeaking against the tile and a hand slap against something. You turned around to see what the speculation was, only to make eye contact with the boy you've had a crush on for like- (god knows how long!)

And of course this boy would be none other than your classmate, Levi. As soon as you turned back, you heard Armin and (bff/n) snicker as Mikasa leered in Levi's direction, but he had already dragged Hanji out of the cafeteria, her frantic laughter muffled by his palm. Of course everyone in your group knew about your massive crush on him- even Mikasa was (mostly) respectful of it despite hating his guts after an incident with Eren in our junior year. (We don't like to talk about that, though.)

"I still don't know why you like him so much." Mikasa breathed, shaking off her glare and putting the rest of her lunch into her bag.

"That was... kinda strange, right, guys?"

Both of your friends nodded in response, (bff/n) scarfing down their cafeteria food and not really paying much attention to much else. Ah, what else would you expect from them?

"What do you think is taking Eren so long, anyway?" Armin piped up, pushing his salad onto his fork and taking a bite as he looked around the cafeteria to try and spot him. "He's probably caught up in the line, he always has such terrible luck when it comes to getting food." Snickered bff/n) with a little smile, pointing in the direction of the food lineup. Of course, he had snagged two puddings. He always brought one for you. He knew you loved the cafeteria pudding, it was strangely tasty.

(I'm sorry if you guys hate pudding, i do too but i couldnt think of anything else i apologize)

As he walked towards the table, tray in hand, he grabbed the cup and handed it over to you with a smirk on his face. "Speak of the devil. You were right, (bff/n)! What is it, Eren?"

"Well... I saw Levi blushing..."

"Yeah, so?"

"At you."

"Ha ha, very funny. Not possible. It was probably because he was running. He probably doesn't even know my name for shits sake!" You exclaimed looking down into your pudding cup, making a face of disbelief.

"Don't play dumb, (y/n). You know it was because of you. I see the way he looks at you, like he could just take you right there and-"

"Okay, Eren, she's flustered out of her mind," (bff/n) said, gesturing to your face which had gone completely red. That couldn't be true, Levi wouldn't even spare you a glance, let alone one like THAT, right? "You can stop teasing now. Come here, you dumbass."

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now