I wanted a spring wedding.

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Levi sat in his office. This was one of the most difficult things he ever had to do.

Killing titans? Easy.

Kissing his girlfriend? Easier.

Proposing? Oh dear god.

He thought the hardest part was when he confessed his feelings to her, expecting brutal rejection.

But she smiled at him so softly, so kindly, and pecked him on the cheek, whispering of the same feelings to him, and made sure to say just so every day when she woke up and every night before she fell asleep in his arms.

It had been a year with her, an incredible soldier with (h/l) (h/c) tresses that flew in her ponytail when she soared through the air with extreme grace, or sat proudly on her shoulders when she wasn't fulfilling her duties. Her (e/c) orbs shined in the sun, and catching anyone who looked in a trance that no one was willing to walk out of. They say eyes are the window to the soul, and hers were kind, loving, and overall full of emotion. Whatever her face expressed, you could see clearly how she really felt through her beautiful, beautiful eyes.

He smiled as he rested his head in his hands, his raven hair tickling his fingers as he stared,

-no, glared-

Down at the little velvet box.

"You little shit. How fucking dare you. I am humanities strongest soldier, you shitty brat. Stop being so intimidating."

Sure, he was talking to an engagement ring. But what else would someone do when they were stressed?

You know, besides normal things. Levi just wasn't normal.

The door flew open without warning, causing his heart to either beat really fast or stop altogether, and in the midst of panic he managed to shove the ring off the table and into his lap.

"Oh shorty~" Cooed that oh-so-familiar voice. Levi groaned in frustration as his hand clutched his shirt over his heart. "What is it, shitty glasses?" He griped in irritation.

"Don't you remember? Erwin was sending me over so we could talk about the next expedition! You know, formations and plans, experiments, etcetera? Making any sense now, short stack?"

"Shit. I forgot. Wait outside." He stood abruptly and began shoving them out the door.

"What!? But I--"

He had already pushed them out so he could stash the ring where they couldn't find it. If there's anything he knew about Hanji, it's that they'd flip over "Levi babies", so it'd be best to leave that well enough alone.

Hey, what they don't know wont hurt them, right?

He managed to stash the ring in his box of cleaning supplies, because they know damn well that if they go in there,

The chance of them living past it is slim to none.

There was an obnoxiously loud knocking at the door; at least he had warning, this time. "Eeh!! Shorty! Let me in already, this is important official business! Hey-!"

"Oi, stop your screeching and get inside already, Shitty Glasses."

they walked in slowly, their face changing from playful and excited anger to one of scary seriousness.

"We've got to go back to Shiganshina for Cadet Jaeger's basement."

~time skip: 3 days~

"Alright! Cadets, on the mark! We've got Cadet Leonhardt under wraps, so there shouldn't be too much trouble this time, but be on your watch! There are still many aberrants and deviants to worry about!"

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now