Trust is a powerful thing. And you threw it away.

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Thanks to @AnOtakuuChan for the idea! This one's for you friend!!

I'm also running out of Levi pictures help


"(Y-Y/n)! Wait! It's not what it looks like!"

Waitwaitwaitwait. Wait. This isn't the beginning. From the top, shall we?

Your relationship was so good at first! All your friends thought you two were the CUTEST couple om campus. "Too good to be true!" they'd squeal to you, and you could only nod. Every relationship starts out that way, I guess. After a while, you settle down, and your life with him and everyone else merges. Things become normal, peaceful.

Some would even say its boring.

I mean, I crave that kind of relationship just like the rest of us, hey, you did too. You'd been wishing for this since the fourth grade, a fairy tale kind of normalcy you can achieve with someone who's seen all sides of you and still thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread.

But not everyone can be satisfied with just that.

Levi used to call you a lot when he couldn't see you, but that stopped after a year and some. He kept forgetting your anniversaries too, which you thought was a bit disheartening but you still had hope. I, personally, would have dropped him then, but hey- your life.

Sometimes you thought you saw him out even when he said he'd be staying in his dorm room, but he swore up and down that he was just studying in his room. Midterms and exams and all. So you believed him. Why would he be so insistent? You trusted him, so you didn't look too much into it.

Ah, but alas, all affairs are looked over at first. These excuses were forgivable, they always are at first.

What you didn't know was that he spent his late nights in his dorm room studying the new girl Petra. She was pretty cute too, so tiny, so innocent,

So easy to take advantage of.

This is what he had wanted. This is what he craved. He wanted excitement. Of course he still loved you, a lot actually. he didn't want to lose you. He just needed something to spice up his 'boring' life.

But it wasn't boring to you. You felt it was perfect, like a dream come true. You had always wanted a long-term relationship, and here it was. But it was starting to go downhill. He was slipping through your fingers like grains of sand, somehow you had lost something.

You felt it physically, too. Like when you're in an elevator, and there's this shaking feeling, like everything inside is up while your body is down. Everything moves the wrong way, and then when you get to your floor it balances out. But it wasn't balancing. You felt this giant, emotional black hole where Levi normally fits, and he wasn't there to fill it. No, he was 'cramming for exams.'

Oh, Levi was cramming INDEED. He had other holes to fill. But you were none the wiser.

You figured studying alone must be so boring, right? You felt bad leaving him to study so hard without visiting. He must need company. Ah, and a visit from his girlfriend. You two could study together, it'd be a great opportunity to fix whatever you thought broke.

So, you went to knock on his door, cup of tea in one hand, and his favourite chocolate in your other. It was a sweet gesture, you brought him something to help him relax a little. I feel kind of bad now, seeing you go through this, seeing you find out this way. But alas, I'm forever doomed to be just the narrator of this cold story. It isn't like I could help you or anything, all I can really do is watch. The only difference between me and death is that I don't kill people. But this isn't my story, is it?

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