Chapter 13: Battle With The Red Death

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(3rd Person POV)

[The teens all meet in the arena]

Fishlegs: "If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle."
Tuffnut: "You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. That's me."
Hiccup: "Uh..."
Snotlout: "I love this plan!"
Y/n: "We didn't..."
Ruffnut: "You both are crazy! I like that..."
Astrid: "So? What is the plan?" [Pushes Ruffnut away from Hiccup]

(Your POV)

Hiccup goes straight for the Monstrous Nightmare. Releasing it he gently guides it towards Snotlout, who tries to grab a knife. Thankfully Astrid stops him, "Uh-uh."
"Wait! What are you--?!" Snotlout sound really nervous.

"Relax. It's okay... it's okay." Hiccup encourages him. Snotlout then bonds with the Nightmare.

As he turns to leave Snotlout calls out after him, "Where are you going?!"
"You're going to need something to help you hold on." I say holding up some rope.

The other teens look at the three other dragons.

Fishlegs bonded with the Gronckle. Astrid with the Deadly Nadder. Then the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut with the Zippleback.

"Where's her dragon?" Tuffnut asks.

"Umm... I haven't found one yet." I respond.

"We'll find you one. I promise." Hiccup whispers to me.

(3rd Person POV)

[The Viking teens are flying on their dragons. Hiccup is riding with Astrid and Y/n is riding with Fishlegs.]

Hiccup: "Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs and Y/n!"
Hiccup: "Up, let's move it! Fishlegs, break it down!"
Fishlegs: "Okay! Heavily armored skull and tail made for bashing and crushing! Steer clear of both! Small eyes, large nostrils! Relies on hearing and smell!"
Hiccup: "Okay! Lout, Legs, and Y/n hang in its blind spot! Make some noise, keep it confused! Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad!"
Ruffnut: "That's my specialty!"
Tuffnut: "Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating! See?!"
Hiccup: "Just do what I told you! I'll be back as soon as I can!"
Snotlout: "Don't worry, we got it covered!"
Fishlegs and Y/n: "Yeah!"

Tuffnut: "Troll!"
Ruffnut: "Butt-Elf!"
Tuffnut: "Bride of Grendel!"
Fishlegs: "Uh, this thing doesn't have a blind spot!"

(Your POV)

Once we realize it doesn't have a blind spot, I suggest to Fishlegs that he let me jump on the dragon. Of course, he says no. But once we start falling. I quickly jump and barely land on the dragon's head. Pulling myself up I get better ground on it.

"I'm okay! Less okay...!" Fishlegs shouts from the ground.

"I can't miss! What's wrong buddy? Got something in your eye?" I hear Snotlout yell from the other side of the dragon. While I am trying to blind the dragon's eyes with my arrows.

"He's up! Get Snotlout and Y/n out of there!"
"I'm on it!" the twins yell.
(Tuffnut) "I'm on it first! I'm ahead of you!"
(Ruffnut) "Hey! Let me drive!"
"I can't believe that worked!" Tuffnut screams as both Snotlout and I land on the Zippleback.

Seconds later we all watch as the Red Death gets up and flies after Hiccup. Seeing Toothless and Hiccup disappear into the dark clouds makes me really scared. All I hear is the load roars from both dragons and I see the sky light up each time they shoot at each other.

Then I see fire. Lots and Lots of fire and smoke everywhere. After that it is absolutely silent.

"Hiccup! HICCUP! Son!" Stoick calls out through the settling smoke. "Hiccup. Oh, son... I did this... I'm so...I'm so sorry... *pulls Hiccup close and listens for a heart beat* Hiccup! Oh, he's alive! You brought him back alive!" I see he is talking to Toothless "Thank you... for saving my son."
Gobber adds, "Well, you know... most of him." Motioning to his lower left leg.

Even though I know Astrid dislikes hugs I give her one anyways because I'm so thrilled that Hiccup is alive.


Author's Note:

Thanks so much for reading this story!

Here is another question... What is your favorite line/scene from HTTYD1?

(I'll answer this question tomorrow.)

Hiccup's Adopted Sister (Httyd x Reader) *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now