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A/N Written by @Bekkoni. Plot minorly changed.

Wally skidded into the meeting wearing a Santa hat and hauling a tree behind him. "Look guys! I helped this guy hauling pines and he gave me one! We can put it in the main hall and have a present exchange, or secret Santa or both and we—"

"Sounds like a great idea," Clark said, and pushed away a couple branches of the tree so he could actually see Wally. The conference room wasn't that big and Wally had had to wedge it in sideways. Still, the thing looked to be about twenty feet tall and ten wide. "Just get that out of here before Br—"

"What is this?" Bruce roared. The doors to the room slid shut and he was trapped between the tree and the door. Clark sighed.

Bruce shoved his way between the branches and grabbed Wally. "Get this out. Now."

"Lay off, he was just trying to be cheery," Clark stood up from the table and picked up the tree. "Something you might try doing."

Bruce muttered screw you just loud enough for Clark to pick up on, and sat down.

After Clark had flown the tree to the main hall, Diana took out a schedule sheet. "All right, so holiday plans?"

Clark pulled a sheet from under the desk. "Well, we've got the tree from Wally, and Stargirl is organizing a gift exchange, and I think Captain Atom said he could procure some lights..."

"Why are we discussing this?" Bruce asked. "Aren't we supposed to be doing something important?"

Clark sighed. "If you want to excuse yourself, then by all means leave. We'll be here enjoying the spirit of the holidays."

Batman snorted.

Diana smacked the sheet back down on the table and crossed her arms. "Honestly, how do Alfred and the boys put up with you being such a killjoy this time of year?"

Bruce said, and got up. "I've got more important things to do than this." He walked out leaving no room for further comments.

"Any chance of his heart growing three sizes too big?" Wally asked.

Clark just shook his head sadly.


It was the week before Christmas, and the Watchtower was dressed to the nines. Wally's tree had turned out beautifully with red and gold tinsel and over a hundred ornaments. Captain Marvel had put out menorahs in the main hall windows and Stargirl had painted the rest like stained glass.

"Hey, you guys want to come over Christmas Eve?" Clark, John, Wally, and Diana were admiring the tree. "Ma said she'd bake apple pie and ham."

"As if I'd pass that up!" Wally said.

Diana laughed, "You'd better tell your mother she'll need more than one ham. "

Someone sighed darkly behind then. Clark didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. "Don't worry," he said. "I wouldn't dare invite you."

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