The First Day

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I was 7 years old, it was recess time. I was out with Harry and his friends; Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. I had my own friend, her name is Athena Jackson. Athena had long curly blonde hair that hit to her waist, she had amazing blue-gray eyes, her skin was a light tan color it got like that in the summer. I on the other hand was very ordinary looking, I mean if you wanted to compare me to the animated charter that I was named after I looked extra ordinary, but I mean who didn't look ordinary next to an animated charter. I had medium length dark brown hair, that had a sleight wave, I had light brown eyes, my skin was just like the sands on the beach.

Harry had curly brown hair but his mother had him keep his hair short, he had the most beautiful eyes that I had ever seen, they where a mysterious looking green color, every time I looked at them I feel in love, Harry was pretty pale compared to his other two friends.If I had to also describe the other two, the way I would describe Zayn as nothing special, his appearance has always been boring to me. Zayn had short black hair, I did how ever like his eyes they where hazel, so they where kinda like mine he was darker then all of us. Louise had medium brown hair, and blue green eyes, he had some color to his skin, but no where near the pigment that Zayn did.

We where playing in the sand box together, Athena and I where making a sand castle. The boys where just digging threw he sand, they didn't really do anything but get dirty. The bell rang all too soon which indicated that they all must go in, they where all in the same class, but we're separated in the seating arrangement. I sighed softly.

We only had a few more weeks of school, I had to tell them that I was leaving Brighton, I was leaving England all together. My father had gotten work in the United States, so my family and I would be leaving England, and I had no idea when I would be coming back, or even if I would come back.

After class I pulled the four of them to the side, I knew that I had to tell them I couldn't leave with out telling them, it wouldn't be right. They all looked at me, a worried expression on their faces, I sighed softly as I looked at them, "I am moving." I told them as I looked at the four of them, they where all shocked, they didn't know what to say. They all walked away, not really sure what to say, all walked away except for Harry, he stood there staring at me. He stared into my soul with those green eyes, "How log have you known?" he asked

I sighed as I looked down, "About a month." I replied

Harry looked at me, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" He asked, the look on his face, I could tell I hurt him.

I sighed softly I really didn't know what to say, "I didn't want to hurt you guys." I replied, that was all I could think of.

Harry looked at me, with the most serious look that I think a 7 year old could give, "Rose I promise that we will find each other, and when we did I will marry you." He said, with such determination that someone truly cared about someone.

I just starred at him, he then leaned closer to her and kissed her lips gently. He did this as if he was sealing the deal with her that it truly would happen.

I left that day, feel sad and different other emotions, that as a 7 year old I couldn't explain, I sighed softly.


The month passed quickly, and that truly killed me. I wished everyone good bye the day before I left, I got emails from them so I could talk to them while I was in America. As I left on the plane to go to America I  wished, and I hoped and I prayed that I would come back to England, and I would be able to see my friends again.


Notes: Okay so I hope that you like this story, sorry if its a bit ruff. I have to get in the swing of being descriptive in my writing. I really love writing stories so I hope I can do this correctly. Comments are welcomed, hope you like the story, I wouldn't mind comment on how to make the story flow better.

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