The Day My World Stopped

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Note: While I write this my reads are at 93, lets see if by time I finish writing this chapter it gets to 100 reads. Keep commenting and sharing this story, it means a lot to me. Thanks! The picture that is in the media section, is what they are wearing for graduation.


So it had been three months since Harry's birthday, and also today was the day we graduated high school. I was laying in bed, I still felt pretty sick, I had a case of food poisoning, or that's what I thought. I sighed softly, I sent a text to Gemma to come over so I could talk to her. I had been throwing up for the past 2 weeks, and it had taken its toll on me. If I wasn't at school I was in bed, and tonight I would have to fight this till the graduation party was over. I also noticed I was gaining wait, now you understand why I messaged Gemma, I don't think this is a simple case of food poisoning.

Gemma took longer then what I had expected, what in the Hell happened to that girl, did she lose her way. I sighed softly as Gemma made her grand entrance. "Gem if you took much longer I would of had to talk to you at the party, not what I wanted." I said as I looked at her, annoyance written all over my face.

"Sorry, but I got what you asked me to get." Gemma said as she looked at me, "So you really think you are?" She asked, I just nodded as I got up and went to the bathroom quickly. I peed on the stick, I kept the door closed and didn't come out for about 5 minutes. I wanted to cry I had no idea how to feel, I walked back to my room.

"Well your gonna be an Aunt." I told her looking down, Gemma came up and hugged me. I think that is all that she could do for me at the moment, she need to take in this information too. "I have to tell Harry." I said as I walked out of the room, I guess Gemma agreed because she didn't try to stop me.

I knocked on Harry's door, I heard him grumble from his bed. "Who is it?" He called out, I could tell I woke him up.

"Its me." I said, I walked in. I got in bed with him, I got my body close to him, and cuddled up to him. "So I have something to ask you." I said, I looked up at him.

"Okay go." Harry said as he looked at me, he ran his fingers threw my now brown hair.

"Well how would yo feel about becoming a dad?" I asked as I looked at him, he looked at me I could tell he didn't know what I was hinting at.

"Well Yes off course I want o be a father, but I want to wait till after we are-" Harry started to ramble on, I cut him off. "We are going to have a slight problem wait, because I am pregnant now." I said as I looked at him.

Harry just stared at me, he didn't know what to say. He reminded me of a deer in head lights.

Well I guess that is one way to wake him up.

Please shut up you're not helping in this situation

I traced Harry's sparrow tattoo as I laid there, waiting for him to say something. It took him about 5 minutes but finally he was able to say something. "So we are having a baby?" He asked as he looked at me, I just nodded. Harry crushed his lips into mine, he smashed my nose. I gasp a little as I couldn't breath, Harry pulled back blushing. "This is amazing." He said as he smiled as he hugged my tight.

"I guess we should announce this at the party." I said as I looked at him.

"Yeah, but how far along are you?" Harry asked me as I looked up at him, I thought for a moment.

"Well I think it happened on your birthday, so I would be around 9-10 weeks, I mean we didn't do anything on my birthday which was the month after your birthday. " I said as I sighed softly.

We were interrupted by Gemma, "Mom says lunch is ready." She said as she looked us, we just nodded and got up and went to eat lunch.

After lunch Harry and I talked in his room, we where thinking of ways we could tell everyone we where expecting a baby. I also called to make a doctors appointment, I thought that was something that need to be done.

At 4pm we all started to get ready, I wore a black dress that could hide my very small bump, I also had on some nude heals. The black dress had flowers on it, I had my brown hair curled and pulled back so it was out of my face. Harry wore a blue and white checkered and black pants with a black jacket, he had a white flower pinned to his jacket, he wore matching black shoes.


Graduation was a boring 3 hours, once it was all over Harry, Nial, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Athena,her boyfriend, and myself. The party was going smoothly, I sat next to Harry as we held hands, Harry squeezed my hand. "Every one, Rose and I have something to tell all of you." He said the words so smoothly, I on the other hand felt like I would puke.

Anne gave us both a look, the others looked at us completely confused. Harry smiled at all of them, "Rose and I are having a baby." He said, to our guest and his mom. The boys cheered, and Athena looked to be staring daggers at both of us, Anne looked like she was full of many emotions.

"Congrats!" The four boys said.

Anne came up and hugged the two of us, "You guys are giving me a grand baby." She said as she kissed Harry's cheek and hugged me.

Athena however said nothing, and you know what I am completely okay with that.

Liam looked up, "Hate to break all of the happiness, but Harry what does this mean for our tour?" He asked as looked at both of us, Harry looked over at me.

Harry looked over at me, "Well I don't think you should cancel your tour." I said looking at them, "That wouldn't be right for your fans." I added as I looked to Harry.

"Beside the tour is only 2 months, its local so you could even hang around with us." Harry said as he smiled and kissed my cheek.


It was now 10pm, the party was nice, and I was glad that we could tell out friends and family. Anne let us sleep in the same bed, because we where already pregnant, there wasn't much more that could happen to the two of us. We were both happy, and I couldn't wait for what the future would hold.


Notes: Holy cow guys, I wrote over 1,000 words. This is just a small thank you for getting the story to 100 reads, well at this point it is at 99 so it is close enough. So I hope you all like this really long chapter, don't forget to vote and comment. Same goes for all of the other chapters. I will write more when I wake up tomorrow, I am so tired, its 3am so I hope you guys enjoy! :)

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