Minho Imagine: Mapping It

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You and Minho stop in a curve in the Maze, fighting for breath. It's your last stretch of running before you reach the Glade, and you have enough time left for a ten-minute break to rest and drink water. You rummage around and pull out an apple while Minho takes a swig from his canteen.

For some reason you stare - you can't help it - strangely drawn to the movement of his throat as he downs the last of his drink. His shirt clings to his body with sweat, sleeves rolled up his muscular arms. A warm blush rises to your cheeks and you focus on the shiny red surface of your apple.

Minho being Minho, he catches the look on your face and lowers the bottle, smiling. "See anything you like?" The smirk is clear in his voice.

"Shush," you turn red and pretend to study the apple.

"Oh, babe, you should know you're welcome to this any time you want." Minho's lips tilt upwards as he presses them to yours. You smile, letting go of the apple to put your arms around his neck softly.

He's just begun to weave his fingers into your hair when a thundering roar fills the corridor. You pull away from him sharply just as a Griever appears at the end of the hall, thirty meters away. Its sticky body clicks forward with surprising speed, metal appendages snapping viciously.

"Shuck this!" Minho yells, looking annoyed. You grab his hand and race for the Glade, feeling the tense focus of the Griever on your backs.

The West Door of the Glade comes into view. Hands still linked, you and Minho sprint the last few meters and stop in the courtyard, glancing over your shoulder. The Griever clicks its metal claws and roars in frustration, before spinning to slide away into the Maze.

"Shuck, that was close," Minho says. You give him a sarcastic look and he just laughs, still not releasing your hand. The warm feeling it spreads through you is incredible.

"Good thing we were finished anyways," you add, as the pair of you head for the Map Room. Several Gladers had come running to the noise, but with the drama over most people are heading back to work. You wave to Teresa by the Med-Jacks before disappearing into the Map Room with Minho.

The door swings solidly shut behind you and lowering your pack to the ground, you start to reach for a pencil and paper. Minho stops you with a mischievous smile.

"You know, thanks to that scare we're back early. The other Runners aren't due for another, oh, fifteen minutes." His dark eyes have that wicked glint you love.

"Really?" You ask, slowly backing up until the edge of the table bumps your legs. Minho follows, trapping you with both hands on the table's surface. He leans down and meets your forehead with his.

"Where were we before that shucking Griever rudely interrupted?" He asks in a low voice.

"Remind me," you say softly, and suddenly his mouth is on yours. He gently nudges you back on the table, papers crinkling underneath you. Your hands are light and quick on his leather harness, sliding it up off his head and to the floor.

You lose yourself in the feel of his warm hands on your hips, the taste of his lips, and his shirt is four buttons open when you hear the familiar creaking of the Map Room's wheel handle.

Minho presses his face into your neck and says exasperatedly, "What the shuck is it now?"

"The other Runners are back!" You whisper, panicked.

He mumbles something else, but you grab the door and fight to keep it from opening. "Help!" The wheel door clicks open a few more rotations despite your best attempts to keep it from turning. It must be Thomas on the other side - he's the only one that strong. Except for Minho, of course.

Sure enough, you hear Thomas' voice outside. "This door is a pile of klunk! It's not opening." With a final wrench it finally unlocks. You quickly squeeze yourself behind Minho, frantically trying to pull your clothes back into place, when Thomas finally enters. Minho just raises his eyebrows, not bothering to button up his shirt, and says casually as can be, "Hey, shuckface."

Thomas glances at you, tucked behind Minho, and rolls his eyes. You give him a sheepish smile.

"For shuck's sake guys, couldn't you do this anywhere else?"

"Well we tried doing it in the Maze, but a Griever kind of ruined the mood," Minho says blithely.

Thomas just throws up his hands in frustration and goes to find a paper and pencil from the crinkled pile on the desk. Oops.

"Well, on that note, I'm going to shower." You finish buttoning up Minho's shirt and turn to leave.

"Can I come?" Minho's voice is full of laughter. Behind him Thomas exclaims, "Of all the shucking - "

"Slim it, Thomas, I was kidding." Minho says. "I mean - unless you really wanted to." He turns his suddenly hopeful dark eyes to you. Sitting at the table, Thomas looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. In the Maze, even.

"No, not this time." You give Minho a teasing smirk and leave.


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I take requests for Thomas/Minho/Newt, and even some other Glader boys if I'm in the mood, so comment! Imagines, preferences, and one shots (like the title says). I'll write any scene your imaginative mind can come up with :)

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