Chapter 4:Jaunedice and Deku

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To say that Chapter 4 is here

(man if only you can play this ost while reading...)

3rd Person Pov:

It was morning as Izuku woke up early from his bed.

Izuku: *yawns* Morning Y/n...

Y/n: zzzzzzzzzzzz......

Izuku: 'I guess he's still asleep,gotta go for an exercise but first...'

His stomach growls as he goes to the dorm kitchen.He saw some eggs and flour as he think about making pancakes.

Izuku: Maybe I'll make pancakes for breakfast...

Y/n: -_- For some reason...*yawns*...I wouldn't do that if I were you. 'because Nora'

Izuku: 'Oh,morning Y/n'

Y/n:,you're gonna make pancakes?

Izuku: Yep!

Y/n: Sounds great...

Izuku:But I think I'll need som-

He was cutted off by a portal as the portal let out a tons of ingredients he needs.

Izuku: O_O Nani?!

Y/n: There,good luck cooking.I bet your new friends are gonna get hungry too!

Izuku: Oh,right! Gotta cook fast!

Ruby's Pov:

I was having a good dream until I smelled something delicious.I woke up from my bed and go out with my pajamas without making a noise to wake up my team.Before that I saw blake already awake.

Ruby: *whispers* Good morning Blake.

Blake: *whispers* Likewise Ruby.

Ruby: Do you smell that?

Blake: Yes I do.

Ruby: Should we?

Blake: Well it's already morning so let's go.

Me and Blake go out as we follow the scent and saw our new friend Izuku cooking something delicious.

Izuku: *hums "I'll become a hero"* Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~ Oh! You two are awake! Ruby Rose and umm...Blake Belladonna was it?

Ruby: Yep!

Blake: Yes,and what are you cooking?

Izuku: Oh uhh...pancakes.Want some?

Ruby: Sure!

Blake: Gladly.

Me and Blake took a bite from his pancakes.It was the most delicious pancake I've ever tasted!

Izuku: So was it? 'I swear I just heard Blake purr'


Blake: Indeed,it was delicious!

Izuku: Wow,really!

3rd Person Pov:

Weiss: Uhh...what's going on in the kitchen?

Yang: Beats me.

The trio saw Weiss and Yang coming to the kitchen with their pajamas too.

Weiss: Oh,h-hi Izuku.

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