Chapter 5:Forever Fall

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3rd Person Pov:

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3rd Person Pov:

Professor Goodwitch and the class were in tbe Forest of Forever Fall.

Izuku: Woah,all of the trees are red!

Y/n: There's one thing that makes me curious...

Izuku: What is it?

Y/n: Why is this place called Forever Fall?

Izuku: ._. I don't even know...maybe something happened here before.

Glynda: Yes students,the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful but we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest and I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so.

Glynda was explaining about the Forest of Forever Fall. While she was explaining,Izuku saw Jaune carrying some jars as he accidentally bumped to Cardin as he got angry making Jaune back away and whistles innocently.

Izuku: Hmm,I wonder how he is doing...

Y/n: *sighs* he's still getting bullied by that asshat.

Izuku: *sighs* 'He kinda reminds me of the past me being bullied by Kacchan...'

Izuku noticed Pyrrha looked disappointed at Jaune as he looks down.

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However,this forest is full of the creatures of grimm so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!

Everyone collects some red saps as Izuku gets his jar and collect a sap from the tree.

Izuku: I wonder what this taste like...

Y/n: If it's good then you can add it to your pancakes.

Izuku: 'That is a good idea Y/n'

Y/n: Just don't go too far and you remember what Miss Glynda said...

Izuku: Yeah,don't go too far because Grimms might appear and they likes saps. It could be bad if someone get soaked to that. 'I wonder how Jaune is doing...'

Little did he know someone is watching him and it's a raven. At the cliff we see Cardin and his lackeys looking at the students. Jaune walks at Cardin,carrying six jars of red sap as he collapses on the ground and get exhausted.

Cardin: There you are Jauney boy! Now I believe you're asking that "Why this my buddy Cardin made me carry six jars of red sap when there is only five of us?"

Jaune: Actually,that was one of my questions I wanna ask.

His lackeys grabs Jaune and brought him to Cardin. Jaune was confused why.

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