Chapter 9: Welcome to Beacon

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Beacon Dormitory

Midoriya's Pov:

I was sleeping in my dorm room until a few hours have passed, I felt something different like I am seeing things.

Izuku: Nngghh....hmnn..

I don't know if I am having a dream........or foreseeing the future...


I opened my eyes, only to see three mysterious students looking at me with a smirk.

???: You seem...interesting...

Izuku: W-what?

I said as I hear my echoing voice. Then, they dissappeared like a smoke and everything went foggy. When the fog clears, I'm in somewhere that looks like an arena. I saw many people on the arena and suddenly heard the sound of metal being shredded as I saw penny gets her limbs ripped off. My heart just stopped as I felt like I couldn't breathe.


Izuku: P...Penny!

Then,a Nevermore appeared attacking the arena as the people started to panic and running for their lives as Huntsmen and students started to fight the Grimms.

Izuku: What's happening! Guys can you hear me?!

I said, trying to gain the attention of my friends. My friends don't even bother to look at me. It seems like they can't hear or see me...

Then everything was burning as I saw Blake fighting a mysterious person with a sword as the person and stabbed Blake in the side of her abdomen. Anger flowed inside me as I saw my friend get stabbed by someone...

Izuku: BLAKE! How could you--

I tried to punch him but it phased through. It seems I can't touch them.

I was scared right now. Seeing my friends getting hurt and innocent people getting chased by Grimms. Robots attacking people as the other students seems to be defending themselves.


I look behind and saw Yang using her Semblance and charges at the person but he sliced Yang's arm as she falls over and lose consciousness.

Izuku: YANG!!!

Everything burned. I can't take it anymore...
I don't want this to happen...I want to wake up from this nightmare!

I quickly closed my eyes, repeatedly saying that this is just a dream. As I opened my eyes, I saw myself on the top of a tower, I saw Pyrrha fighting a lady who has flame in her eyes as I look at a flying black dragon. I was afraid,I couldn't I saw Pyrrha get shot by an arrow as the lady touches her...she disintegrated. I can't take it body was trembling with fear.


After Pyrrha disappeared, the lady smirks and I heard something.

???: How does it feel boy?

Izuku: H-huh?!

The lady look at me with an evil smile. Making me get angry at her.

Izuku: Y-You bastard...

???: How does it be useless?

What the lady said was right...I feel useless right now. I couldn't protect them nor save them. Am I...just going to watch this chaos...and let this happen...?

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