Into the Life of a Protector

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"It is worth remembering that the
time of greatest gain in terms of
wisdom and inner strength is
often that of greatest difficulty."
                 -Dalai Lama

**The first few chapters are rusty ngl but I promise that they only get better!!**

Name: Pheonix Celestia Dovers

Age: 17 Years Young

Species: Protector/ Protectress

Gift: Interdimensional Skirmisher

  Into the Life of a Protector

  From the moment they take their first steps, until they day they take their last, the protector is trained to protect the lives of humans who's lives have been corrupted by the supernatural.


  Each protector gets an 'assignment', their first one being assigned of the day of their graduation. So instead of a paper diploma verifying the fact that you've worked your ass off the last 12 years, they get a folder. The folder contains the name of their assignment, location, family, extended family, every single incident in their protected's life is documented and given to them. They probably know more about you than you know about yourself.

Passive Abilities

  Every protector is gifted with strength, rivaling that of a newborn vampire, speed, and the convenient ability to mend their own wounds. They are protected from the abilities of others, namely from vampires who harbor gifts.


  There is no set age for a protector to graduate, the Elders decide when your extensive training is ready for the real deal. In order to get your first assignment, you have to earn your runes by completing a certain task and when you have all, but one, then you're ready. The final rune appears when you have successfully saved your first assignment from something supernatural.


  Each protector is gifted with an ability, and no 2 protectors alive share the same one. They can range from pyrokinesis, telekinesis, telepathy.. the list goes on. Nixie's gift is creating dimensional doorways(portals). The ability in itself is one that has unlimited perks and unbeknownst to the holder, always has room to grow.


  Every protector has a signature weapon, one that is easily concealed on their bodies as to not draw attention. Nixie's whip, which she named Wanda, is a bracelet that wraps around her arm in the form of a silver snake. The weapon is made specifically for its protector, and all Nixie has to do is will the bracelet to shift into her favorite whip, or the lesser used option, a staff.


  Protectors are a secretive species, all those who know about them are as old as dirt, or have already become part of the dirt. They stay off the grid in order to stay a secret and do their jobs effectively. Nothing is more important than the life of their protected, which is why until recent events, they believed they were completely unknown. Their base was one that was hidden in plain sight, those who see it think its abandoned, and those who know what it is have a certain entrance that leads inside where you can only get in if you're known.

  Nixie's Family

  Mother left when she was 2, father was killed by vampires a few years back, and she had lost her older brother Gale in the 'raid'.


  Standing from the motel bed she was currently inhabiting, Nixie moved towards the folder on the dresser. Gripping the slightly singed corner she took a deep breath, flipping it open and being met with a pair of dull brown, almost black eyes with similar colored hair.

  Her eyes scanned the paper, settling on a name and scrunching her nose. Biting her lip in contemplation, she closed the folder and placed it in her duffel before zipping it shut. Her eyes rested on the red numbers of the clock, 16 hours it would take Nixie to get to her destination if she left now. It didn't take much to convince her.

  Heaving the duffel onto her shoulder she grabbed the keys to the car someone so graciously left inside their vehicle for her, and made her way out. Closing the door, she trekked forward. Here I come Forks Washington Nixie thought, here I come Isabella Swan.

**So Nixie is a Protector with the ability to basically teleport/create dimensional doorways to any destination. Also shoutout to the first person to click on this piece of shit, not gonna lie, I squealed.💕 I can't wait until Jasper gets into the story, more information about Nixie will come as the chapters go on! Also I'll be adding gifs and photos later on to my chapters because I'm currently writing this on my phone but I'm too hyped to wait to post!**

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